Popular Media Players
RealPlayer G2 - http://www.real.com/player/g2/index.html
Microsoft Windows Media Player - http://www.microsoft.com/windows/mediaplayer/en/
Apple QuickTime - http://www.apple.com/quicktime/
MP3 player - http://software.mp3.com/software/
IBM Video Charger - http://www-4.ibm.com/software/data/videocharger/downloads.html
Free FVC.COM I-Viewer and Guide - http://www.nl.fvc.com/Download/software.htm
VBricks StreamPlayerII - http://www.vbrick.com
Macromedia Flash 4 -
Players and Plugings
MPEG1 player and SGI Webforce MediaBase plugin - http://vod.haifa.ac.il/mbase/_install.cgi
Oracle Video Client plugin client - http://dvir.bgu.ac.il:8800/ows-right_vl/upload/misc/ovcp305.exe
FVC Video Portal
Microsoft's Digital Broadcast Manager
Microsoft have released the developer preview of their Digital Broadcast
Manager software. The software is aimed at developers wishing to build
commercial (ie. pay to view/listen) streaming media web sites. It is based
on the company's proprietary Windows Media Format. The final commercial
release of the software is scheduled to be released "later this year".
Digital Broadcast Manager - http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/windowsmedia/en/solutions/dbm/whitepapers.asp
Windows Media - http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/
Entera Inc: Internet Content Delivery Technologies - http://www.entera.com/
Streaming Video, Streaming Audio, Web Caching
Streaming Servers: TeraCAST Server Lite (max. 30 streams), TeraCAST
Server Plus
VBricks Systems - http://www.vbrick.com
VBricks provide true two-way television or one-way NTSC/PAL 30 frame
per second live streaming video with CD-quality stereo sound on a end to
end basis over your network.
EtherneTV provides instant television broadcasting to a virtually
unlimited number of desktops. - http://www.vbrick.com/ethernetv/etv.html
NetCache Streaming Media Solutions - http://www.netapp.com/streaming/
Akamai Streaming - http://www.akamai.com/service/streaming.html
instaStreamSM Audio & Video Services from Mirror Image Internet enable ISPs and e-businesses to deliver uncompromised, high-quality streaming media - http://www.mirror-image.com/services/instastream.html
InfoValue Video Streaming Solutions
Live.com Technology, services, & standards for tomorrow's
Internet, today
Products: LiveCaster, LiveGate, multikit
IP Videoconferencing (H.323) at Global Videoconferencing Solutions,
VCON http://www.vcon.com
Developer and manufacturer of a comprehensive range of networked Video
over IP solutions: Desktop Videoconferencing Systems; MediaConnect 8000;
MediaConnect 6000; VoiceFinderTM; VCON Development Kit (VDK)
PictureTel Corporation
Developing, manufacturing and marketing a full range of multimedia
collaboration solutions.
PictureTel has exclusive worldwide distribution rights to sell the
Intel ProShare Video System 500. PictureTel also has exclusive worldwide
distribution rights to sell the Intel® TeamStation? System - http:/
The Clearinghouse for Streaming Server Information - http://streamingserver.org/
CNET reviews 3 top streaming media players
Real time messaging products
MPEG Product overview
Videoconference Products and Services - http://www.videoconference.com/videocfm/search.cfm