Welcome - Dobro
Pozhalovat' - Shchyro Zaproshuyemo - Welkamen - ...
Hello! - Privet! -Pryvit! - Chest! - Sholom! - ... Zdravstvuite! - Zdoroven'ki Buly! - ... How do you do? - Yak sya maiete? - Kak dyela? - ... |
Look at my Welcome/Hello Collection |
Yuri Demchenko |
The homepage of Yuri Demchenko, Internaut, Teacher, Philosopher, Artist, Explorer, Traveller, Consultant and Expert |
EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF) - TechnoCarpentry Education & Training - Health & Natural Healing
Main research areas: Big Data Architecture, Big Data Security, Cloud and Intercloud Architecture, AAA architecture, Security and Trust in dynamically provisioned services, Instructional methodologies and education on Cloud Computing and Big Data
Conferences and workshops
Multilingual phrases collection. Welcome/Hello Collection Language and Humor by G.G. Pocheptsov. A collection of linguistically based jokes, stories, etc. Second Edition, Kiev "Vysca Scola", 1982, 327 pp. (1448 entries and 35 pp. introduction Part 1. Linguistic Foundations of Humor). PDF |