Computer Network Technologies and Design
Part 2. Internetworking and Network Management
(2 credits)
Lecturer:? Yuri Demchenko, Associate Professor
???? Computer Aided Design Department, NTUU "Kiev Polytechnic Institute"
1. Basics
1. OSI model and network services
2. Network Level Protocols
1. IP (Internet Protocol)
2. OSI protocols
3. PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol),? SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)
4. Novell IPX
5. AppleTalk
3. Routing Protocols
1. Routing Principles and Metrics
2. RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
3. OSPF (One Shortest Path First)
4. IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), EIGRP (Enhanced IGRP)
5. BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
6. CLNS (ConnectionLess Network Service)
4. Integrated TCP/IP Network Building
1. DNS (Domain Name Service)
3. Software Review for Integrated IP Networks Building and Management
5. Network Operation System
1.? MS Windows Networking? (Windows for Workgroup 3.11, Windows 95)
2.? Windows NT Networking
3.? UNIX Networking ?
6. Network Management
1. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
2. MIB II, ASN.1
Laboratory/Practical courses
1. LAN architecture design and configuration (Windows 95 Networks, Novell
Personal NetWare, TCP/IP Network)
2. UNIX Basics
3. Routing Protocols Configuration? (PC Based)
4. Network Tools (telnet, ping, traceroute, nslookup)
5. Network Modelling using CACI Modelling Software
Other reommended resources