About this server - www.uazone.org
Promoting Ukrainian Brands and Brains

This site has been started with the two-fold aim (1) Promotion of Ukrainian Brands and Brains, in line with (2) exposing some personal experience in Research, Teaching, Education, Self-Development, Living and Philosophy.

UAZone activity information assistance and knowledge transfer in modern IT and Internet technologies, especially in area of building secure network and application infrastructure, personal development, job search, EFL/ESL, education, etc., especially oriented on Ukrainian IT and Internet professional community.

UAZone.org is complement to and cooperative with another Ukraine based project "UA Zone.net  Ukrainian Information Project " at http://www.uazone.net/.

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All non-original information is referenced and credited to the original owners and authors.

Any suggestions about further development of this site or some of its sections are welcome.

Yuri Demchenko

Copyright © 1999-2013. 
Yuri Demchenko.
About this server