Z-News Dispatches
Monthly news update
December 1998
1. TERENA and European NRENs News

1.1. TERENA News

1.1.1. TERENA General News (GA, TA)
1.1.2. TERENA WG and TF News
1.1.3. TERENA Webserver News
1.2. NREN News
1.3. The Works of DANTE (bi-monthly news) 
1.4. Security Services (JANET-CERT, EuroCERT)
1.5. Internet2 and NGI News

2. Internet World News 

2.1. ISOC News
2.2. New IANA (ICANN) News 

3. EC ISPO News 

3.1. FP5/ISPO
3.2. Telematics Program
3.3. Education 

4. Internet Technology News and Standardisation

4.1. IETF News
4.2. Standardisation in Telecommunications and IT (ISO, ITU, CEN/ISSS, EEMA)
4.3. Technology News
4.3.1. Security
4.3.2. Java 

5. Internet and IT Industry News 

5.1. Companies, Telecommunications, Infrastructure
5.2. New Products 
5.3. Internet and IT Market Trends

6. Legal and Social Issues of Internet/IS 

6.1. Legal Issues (Merges, DOJ news, Crypto, Tax)
6.2. Copyright, WIPO news
6.3. Spam and Content Abuse problems 

7. Conferences, Workshops, Meetings 


1. TERENA and European NRENs News

1.1. TERENA News

1.1.1. TERENA General News (GA, TA)

TERENA Technical Committee meeting have been held on December 4 1998 in Amsterdam

Next TTC meeting in Geneva 15-16 February 1999

1.1.2. TERENA WG and TF News

Proposed IETF Web Caching Working Group hosted at TERENA Web server
The aim of this working group is to define a co-ordinated application-level caching / replication framework within the IETF. The group will provide a basis for discussions on application-level caching proxies, describe existing application caching proxy protocols and define design goals and research issues before possibly embarking on specific protocol development.

CHIP (Clearing House for Internet Projects) Project Database Pilot Service
CHIP aims to support people whose work is related to research and education networking, particularly those who are based at national research networks. It is aimed at those who work on technical issues, user support and policy making in this area.

1.1.3. TERENA Webserver News

1.2. NREN News

JANET Year 2000 Compliance Statement
"Year 2000 conformity shall mean that neither performance nor functionality is affected by dates prior to, during and after the year 2000." A report summarising the status of UKERNA's work towards Year 2000 compliance may be inspected on its Web server (at URL http://www.ja.net/documents/y2k_status.html). This report is updated from time to time to reflect progress to date.

UKERNA announces a new Head of CERT

JANET's link to the TEN-155 network
UKERNA are pleased to announce that the JANET link to Europe is now running on the TEN-155 network. The link was moved across successfully on 10 December 1998.

New issues of SURFNET news for December 1998

Digital Denmark
Terms of Reference for the Special Committee published
Formulation of a new IT strategy. The Government has therefore decided to appoint a committee to prepare a proposal for the Government's future IT political strategy entitled "Digital Denmark".

Seniors & IT
The report details a study designed to investigate the experiences, knowledge, and needs of people over sixty regarding modern information technology, such as computers, the Internet and toucilable on the national services used by the European academic and research community. In addition to a basic IP service, TEN-155 will offer guaranteed Quality of Service using a combination of ATM and IP technology.
The first links of the TEN-155 network to become operational were the 155 Mbps SDH-ring connecting France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, as well as the links connecting the Nordic countries (via a node in Sweden) and Switzerland to Germany and the Netherlands.

The Q-MED project is a complementary project to QUANTUM and will provide for the connection of the Israeli research network MACHBA/ILAN and the University of Cyprus/CYNET to the TEN-155 network. The location for the connection to TEN-155 is yet to be determined and will most likely depend on the cost of international access circuits.

1.4. Security Services (JANET-CERT, EuroCERT)

1.5. Internet2 and NGI News

CANARIE's 3rd Annual Network Workshop December 15 - 16, 1998
Presentations now available

Internet2 News Update

Internet2 Press Releases

CA*Net 2 News archive

Qbone. An Interdomain Testbed for Differentiated Services

2. Internet World News

2.1. ISOC News

World renowned technologist elected to prestigious Internet Society Board
Sun Microsystems Director of Science Office appointed to Board of Trustees
RESTON, VA - December 9, 1998 - The Internet Society (ISOC) today announced the appointment of John Gage, director of the Science Office for Sun Microsystems, Inc., to its Board of Trustees. Gage will fill the unexpired term of the late Jon Postel.

2.2. New IANA (ICANN) News

Information Concerning the Formation of ICANN Supporting Organizations
December 21, 1998
The Board wishes to encourage the early formation of Supporting Organizations and the seating of additional Directors nominated by recognized SO's. The ICANN Bylaws provide for substantial delegation of policy responsibility to Supporting Organizations in the belief that putting policy development and recommendations organizationally closer to working professionals will produce a better result for the entire community.
The purpose of this note is to provide assistance to those members of the Internet community who are interested in forming ICANN Supporting Organizations.

ICANN Membership Advisory Committee Appointed
LOS ANGELES, December 17, 1998 -- The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is pleased to announce that the following individuals have been appointed to the ICANN Membership Advisory Committee: This committee, called for in the ICANN bylaws, will advise the ICANN board on the creation of an at-large membership structure. The committee's work will begin immediately; it is scheduled to report on its progress at the next ICANN meeting, planned for Singapore March 2-4.

The ICANN Membership Advisory Committee has established a public mailing list, membership@icann.org, devoted to discussion of the issues involved in establishing a membership structure to elect At Large directors of ICANN.

Released November 25, 1998: Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Information on Management of Internet Names and Addresses (Comment Period is closed).

November 23th, 1998: "ICANN Announces Changes, Requests DNS Transition Begin"

Transmittal Letter to U.S. Department of Commerce, November 23, 1998
ICANN Bylaws (As Revised)
Articles of Incorporation (As Revised)
NSI takes a new domain name partners
Network Solutions Inc. (NSI) has announced that it has signed a deal under which its domain name registration service will be promoted on an Internet portal sites -- Yahoo! and Netscape Communications Corp.'s Netcenter. Under terms of the deal announced today, NSI will be the only company on certain Netcenter channels to be allowed to market its domain name registration service, NSI said in a statement. NSI also will market other services via Netcenter, including a business E-mail offering.

3. EC ISPO News

3.1. FP5/ISPO

Conference to launch the Fifth Framework Programme, Essen (Germany), 25-26 February
On 25 and 26 February 1999, the European Commission is holding a major conference to launch the Fifth Framework Programme, which will cover all the research, technological development and demonstration activities of the European Union for the period 1999-2002.
T he Fifth Framework Programme is unique in providing a framework for European research with a five-year strategic planning horizon. Its aim is to help EU companies meet the challenges of the 21st century and, through research, to come up with answers to a wide range of issues that are important for European society, such as employment, health, environment, communications and mobility.
The purpose of the conference is to present the new features of the programme, to explain to interested parties how to participate, and to give examples of particularly successful European research projects.

Call for applications:Fifth Framework Programme: Experts for the evaluation of proposals received in connection with the specific research programmes. First Deadline: 31 January 1999

The NECTAR Information Update

European Journal of Engineering for Information Society Applications
Volume 1, Issue 1, September 1998

FLUIDS Technology Bulletins

AESOPIAN Best Practices Electronic News Report

Events section at NECTAR Electronic Journal

The 24th edition of the FLUIDS Bulletin
Available from the NECTAR web site. This edition covers the latest developments in intelligent user interface design, featuring the latest commercial developments and market trends and news of events and publications in the field. New research achievements noted include a survey of developments in anthropomorphic interface agents, a field which has developed into one of the salient topics within the area of intelligent user interfaces.
The bulletin is available from http://www.nectar.org/fluids/bulletin/24.htm

Daily Digital News from the EU

Studies and Surveys in Information Engineering (since 1995)

El.pub Weekly

El.pub News Archive - http://inf2.pira.co.uk/base02.htm
Conferences Europe 1999 onwards - http://inf2.pira.co.uk/base05.htm

New topics at El.pub Server

New Products - http://inf2.pira.co.uk/base09.htm
Resources on Telematics and Engineering - http://inf2.pira.co.uk/base06.htm
Industry associations at El.Pub Server - http://inf2.pira.co.uk/base10.htm

Cultural Heritage & EC Funding
New pages which give detailed information on: European Commission funding programmes which are open to cultural heritage institutions; and on past and current EC-funded projects relevant to cultural heritage.

EUN Metadata Handbook
This recently updated Handbook presents a tool which builds on the Dublin Core metadata set, but because this does not meet the multimedia and commercial requirements of the EUN, the element set has been extended with a range of additional sub-elements from other metadata initiatives including the IMS and ARIADNE set. This work has also involved co-operation with the EUC (European Universal Classroom) which has been studying DBS/GER (Deutscher Bildungs-Server / German Educational Resources), GEM (The Gateway to Educational Materials) and EdNA (Education Network Australia).

Version 2.0 of ARIADNEs metadata work has been included in this new version of the EUN Handbook, revised as of December 8th, 1998. You can download the new Metadata Handbook, as a ZIP file (269K), which extracts as an .RTF file.

MLIS (Multilingual Information Society) News section

Commission mid-term review of 11 MLIS projects, Action Lines 1.1 and 2.1 Luxembourg, 26-30 October 1998

UN - Researchers Work on Universal Internet Language
(APA/Reuters) A new computer language will enable Internet communication beyond language barriers. More than 120 computer experts and linguists at the University of the United Nations in Tokio work at present on a so-called UNL, Universal Networking Language, a common computer language for the net.

3.2. Telematics Program

New design for SCIMITAR 2 Web Server - November 1998
The SCIMITAR 2 project, which provides supportive actions and information dissemination for projects in Telematics for Research, has a re-designed Web Server. This includes information on all the projects in the sector, and links to similar support activities in other sectors of the Telematics Applications Programme.

IST 98 - 30 Nov to 2 Dec 1998
The Information Society and Technologies Conference and Exhibition takes place between 30 November and 2 December 1998. It will present leading-edge technologies and products stemming from work in the TAP, ACTS, Esprit and info2000/MLIS programmes and illustrates the outcome and potential of take-up, demonstration and technology transfer actions.

Desire Demonstrator Plan

3.3. Education

Multimedia Access to Education and Training in Europe - Draft MoU
A Partnership for a Common Approach to the Production and Delivery of Learning Technologies, Content and Services".
Current list of Initial Signatories of the MoU

Educational Media and Distance Learning in Health
The International Forum for Educational Media and Distance Learning in Health '99, will be organised in Tokyo on April 6, 1999, to help the public understand telemedecine and medical distance learning.

MBA programs go online
Internet-earned degrees are gaining recognition as the real thing as distance learning is proving to be a solid alternative for some students.

The Ariadne newsletter is aimed initially at subject librarians and other working librarians in academic libraries, though many people in the UK Higher Education and LIS communities will find items of interest within it.

4. Internet Technology News and Standardisation

4.1. IETF News

IETF43 Meeting, 6-11 December, 1998, Orlando

Personal notes from mainly applications area sessions during the IETF meeting in Orlando, December 1998
By Professor Jacob Palme, Stockholm University and KTH Technical University

The MECCANO trip report for the 43rd IETF meeting by Colin Perkins, Lambros Lambrinos, Orion Hodson & Edmund Whelan

New RFCs

RFC 2460: Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification, S. Deering, R. Hinden
Draft Standard, December 1998

RFC 2473: Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6 Specification, A. Conta, S. Deering
Proposed Standard, December 1998

RFC 2474: Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers, K. Nichols, S. Blake, F. Baker, D. Black

RFC 2475: An Architecture for Differentiated Services, S. Blake, D. Black, M. Carlson, E. Davies, Z. Wang, W. Weiss

RFC 2476: Message Submission, R. Gellens, J. Klensin

The IESG has approved publication of the following Internet-Drafts as Proposed Standards:

The IESG has approved the Internet Drafts as an Informational RFC New Internet-Drafts is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories
Voice over Differentiated Services

Simple Multicast: A Design for Simple, Low-Overhead Multicast

Cryptographic Message Syntax

Enhanced Security Services for S/MIME

Registration for the 'widetext' Media Type

A Tagged Index Object for use in the Common Indexing Protocol

Multicast Discovery of DNS Services

On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) for Ad-Hoc Networks

Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages

URLs for GSM Short Message Service

UTF-16, an encoding of ISO 10646

S/MIME Version 3 Certificate Handling

Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 Domains without Explicit Tunnels

A framework for QoS support for open control

W3C Composite Capability/Preference Profiles

Security Expectations for Internet Service Providers

The Transmission of IP Over the Vertical Blanking Interval of a Television Signal

Proxy Chaining and Policy Implementation in Roaming

Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 Domains without Explicit Tunnels Proposed Standard

MIME-based Secure EDI

Requirements for Inter-operable Internet EDI

The Network Access Identifier

QoS Routing Mechanisms and OSPF Extensions

ACAP Email Personality Dataset Class

ACAP Personal Addressbook Dataset Class

Domain Name System Security Extensions

Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5

Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs

Building Directories from DNS: Experiences from WWWSeeker

H.323 Firewall Control Interface (HFCI)

Guide to Administrative Procedures of the Internet Infrastructure

IP Header Compression

4.2. Standardisation in Telecommunications and IT (ISO, ITU, CEN/ISSS, EEMA)

A new section on Metadata Interchange Standards has been added to the European Commission's Open Information Interchange (OII) Standards and Specifications List

Individual copies of standards from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) can now be accessed and downloaded free of charge via the Internet. At present, the trial version gives access to download ETSI Technical Reports, Technical Specificati
ITU/98-33, 4 December 1998
Geneva - At a meeting held on 17-20 November in Turin, experts from a number of companies and organizations involved in multimedia communications over the Internet, started work on an important new Internet standard. The meeting was part of the work programme of Study Group 16, the multimedia group of the Telecommunications Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union. The new standard, which is being referred to as H.gcp during its development phase, will be an important addition to the H.323 family of Recommendations which have already been widely adopted by the industry as the standards for multimedia communications over the Internet.

QL'98 - The Query Languages Workshop
December 3rd and 4th, 1998
Temporary list of the position papers for the QL'98 workshop

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in October released the Document Object Model Level 1 specification as a W3C Recommendation. The specification reflects cross-industry agreement on a standard API (Applications Programming Interface) for manipulating documents and data through a programming language (such as Java or ECMAScript). A W3C Recommendation indicates that a specification is stable, contributes to Web interoperability, and has been reviewed by the W3C Membership, who favor its adoption by the industry.

Ruby Working Draft, published today by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) on behalf of the W3C I18N Working Group.

Worldwide TV Standards - A Web Guide

ITU Newsroom

CEN News

CEN/ISSS Newsletter December 1998
Introducing the European Odour Unit

4.3. Technology News

New Forces at Work: Industry Views Critical Technologies
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Science Policy News
Number 167: December 18, 1998
Office of Science and Technology Policy released a report by the newly-named Science and Technology Policy Institute (formerly the Critical Technologies Institute) on critical technologies. The 155-page report, "New Forces at Work: Industry Views Critical Technologies," provides thoughtful analysis of the responses of 39 senior corporate executives to the question, "What technologies are critical to your firm/industry?" The report gives considerable attention to the sometimes controversial issue of the appropriate role of government in R&D.
The report, the fourth in a series, contains much useful information and food for thought. It can be accessed at http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR1008/MR1008.pdf/

Home radio frequency network specification ratified
The HomeRF Working Group (HomeRF WG) announced the ratification of the Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP) specification 1.0. The HomeRF SWAP system operates in the 2400 MHz range and uses digital frequency hopping spread spectrum radio. It was derived from existing cordless telephone and wireless LAN technology and is capable of 1 Mbps (using 2FSK modulation) and 2 Mbps rates (using 4FSK modulation). A SWAP network accommodates a maximum of 127 nodes covering a range of "a typical home and yard." Thirteen companies have committed to build products based on SWAP, including Compaq, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Motorola and Samsung. The first SWAP-based wireless devices are expected to reach the marketplace by the end of 1999. http://www.homerf.org/

HomeRF Working Group, January 5, 1999
The Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (a separate organization) is developing standards for 1 Mbps Ethernet LANs over existing telephone wiring in the home. http://www.homepna.org/

Kevin Almeroth has completed a white paper called "Managing IP Multicast Traffic".
The paper is supplied by IPMI as a part of the 3rd Annual IP Multicast Summit on Feb 7-9, 1999 in San Jose, CA USA.
http://www.ipmulticast.com/events/summit99/ or

IBM has launched a web site dedicated to XML, complete with online courses, papers, standards and sample XML code which is aims to spur development of XML applications and the acceptance of the technology.
Development tools

XML to "revolutionize" info exchange
XML will revolutionize the exchange of business information similar to the way the phone, fax machine, and photocopier did when those devices were invented, a new report says.
IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, and other vendors have made significant investments in the technology--and 1999 will be known as the year XML was commercially born. Companies will include XML support in more and more products, such as Web browsers and application servers, he said.

Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
To make authoring of TV-like multimedia presentations on the Web easier, W3C has designed the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL, pronounced "smile"). The SMIL language is an easy-to-learn HTML-like language allowing to use a text editor to write multimedia presentations with streaming audio and video.

The "Rapidly Changing Face of Computing" is a weekly technology journal providing insight, analysis and commentary on contemporary computing and the technologies that drive them.The RCFoC is written by Jeffrey R. Harrow (jeff.harrow@compaq.com), a Senior Consulting Engineer with the Corporate Research Group of Compaq Computer Corporation.
You can subscribe to this weekly journal which will help you keep up on the changes that are constantly occurring in our industry!

Open source -- the way the Net was won
Christophe offers a list of his favorite online resources for Webmasters to learn about Java, Perl, meta tags, and more.

Microsoft memo attacks open source software
An annotated article ("Halloween I Document''), posted on the Internet by Open Source evangelist Eric Raymond analyses a confidential Microsoft memorandum on Redmond's strategy against Linux and open source software (OSS), supposedly leaked to Raymond by a "nameless" source.
The "Halloween I Document'' contained references to a second memorandum specifically on Linux. While not as dramatic in its implications as the first memo, "Halloween II" apparently includes a lot of material at variance with Microsoft's public party line on Linux.

Internet Research Journal
(Subscription required)

4.3.1. Security

CERT Summary CS-98.08
December 14, 1998
The CERT Coordination Center periodically issues the CERT Summary to draw attention to the types of attacks currently being reported to our incident response team, as well as to other noteworthy incident and vulnerability information. The summary includes pointers to sources of information for dealing with the problems.
Past CERT Summaries are available from

Open Software to Improve Security, Performance, and Reliability of Internet E-Mail
IBM is making available, as open-source software, its Secure Mailer to improve the security, reliability, and performance of e-mail delivery systems. Secure Mailer could replace Mail Transfer Agents that process more than 75% of Internet e-mail traffic today. By offering Secure Mailer free, without licensing restrictions, IBM is building a stronger base for secure e-business.

SA: Crack DES in a Day
In 56 hours, the Electronic Frontier Foundation made mincemeat of the federally approved standard for data-scrambling. Now encryption vendor RSA challenges the world to crack DES in two days or less.
The winners of RSA's last challenge cracked DES in just 56 hours. So now RSA is calling on contestants to crack open an encoded message in 24 to 48 hours, and there's money in it for whoever does. "The target we're looking for is to get down to one day," Kaliski said. "We've set the threshold so that basically anything less than two days wins US$5,000, and one day [or less] wins $10,000."

'Remote Explorer' Virus: Danger or Opportunity for Antivirus Firm?
A new virus that hit MCI WorldCom servers is either "the first legitimate incident of cyberterrorism" or exaggerated hype to help the firm that's paid to stamp out the virus.
A Network Associates manager told ZDNet that it wasn't hyperbole to call the Remote Explorer virus "an information time bomb," but others weren't so sure. Windows NT Virus Reproduces Itself
New Strain of Computer Virus Is Discovered at MCI WorldCom

Using Palm Pilots to Steal Cars
This week the U.K.'s New Scientist reports that computer journalist Lars Sorensen has discovered a technique for using the infrared port on the new generation of Palm Pilots to break into cars with infrared remote keyless entry systems. The Palm Pilot apparently has software that records the infrared signals from TV and video remote controls, so that you can turn your PDA into a universal remote for all your home entertainment gadgets. According to New Scientist, Sorensen successfully used the same system and software to record the infrared signal from a friend's car remote, enabling him to enter the car and disable its alarm.
Palmtop Plunder
Palm Pilot-Assisted Auto theft

4.3.2. Java

Open-Source Java at Last?
Sun Microsystems is planning to relinquish its stranglehold on the Java programming language. The company will announce a new, more open version of its platform at the Java Internet Commerce Expo on 8 December.
Sun wants to make it easier for developers to improve upon the Java source code, Baratz said, "But at the same time, we need to ensure we maintain cross-platform compatibility." Sun promised to submit Java to the International Organization for Standardization for ratification nearly a year ago, but it has made no progress.

Messaging helps move Java into the enterprise
Find out how the Java Message Service API helps developers create more robust enterprise applications. With the development of the Java Message Service API, Sun ensures that Java applications won't be left behind in the rush to embrace this up and coming enterprise technology.

Jigsaw 2.0.0 final release
W3C released award-winning Java Web server Jigsaw 2.0.0 the last week of 1998. Designed for running multiple protocols, and both as a server as a cache/proxy, Jigsaw has for example been used to test HTTP 1.1 including new collaboration features. With Jigsaw, the open source community has an implementation of the servlet interface in addition to cgi and server side includes. Yves Lafon, W3C's Jigsaw Architect, explains: Now Jigsaw 2.0 is stable we can both prototype new ideas like HTTP-NG. and permanently extend it in line with W3C Recommendations, for example using XML as the configuration file format.

Servlets or CGI-Perl?
In this introduction to servlets, Java servlets and CGI/Perl technologies are compared in terms of performance, portability, and other key issues.

IBM Java page News

5. Internet and IT Industry News

5.1. Companies, Telecommunications, Infrastructure

IXC First To Carry Research and Commercial Traffic On Nationwide Next Generation Internet Backbone
IXC Communications (Nasdaq: IIXC) today announced that it has activated the first coast-to-coast, next generation Internet backbone network to carry both commercial and research community traffic.
IXC's OC-48 SONET network, named Gemini2000, will eliminate Internet congestion and backlog by offering high-speed communications that are 100 to 1,000 times faster than today's Internet. The Gemini2000 Network, which is supported by technology from Cisco Systems, Newbridge and Nortel Networks, is segmented into eight regions, each containing a central traffic aggregation point, or Core Site. The New York City, Washington D.C. and San Francisco Core Sites have been activated and are carrying traffic. By the third quarter of 1999, Core Sites in Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Dallas/Ft. Worth and Newark, Delaware will be brought on line. (A network map is available from IXC http://www.ixc-comm.com/gemini/backbonemap.html)

AT&T to provide IP/DWDM Network for @HOME
@Home Network awarded a long-term contract to AT&T to create a nationwide IP/DWDM backbone for its broadband cable Internet service. The new backbone is scheduled to be deployed in mid-1999 with capacity for up to five million broadband users. AT&T will initially provide @Home Network with two OC-48 channels over each route of a 15,000 mile DWDM optical network. The facilities-based agreement provides for significant expansion of capacity, additional routes, and co-location space in AT&T POPs and carrier hotel facilities for interconnecting @Home's network with other major backbones. @Home cited performance and cost advantages for choosing IP/DWDM over architectures based on SONET add-drop multiplexers and ATM switches. As of September 30, @Home reported 210,000 cable modem subscribers across North America.

Federal antitrust regulators' approval of AT&T and Tele-Communications Incorporated merger sets the stage for a very different communications world, if not necessarily a cheaper one, for consumers.
AT&T has said that its primary motivation in the merger is gaining access directly to consumers' homes, giving it the ability to offer local phone service without going through the networks of existing local phone companies. Once the company gains this access through TCI's cables, the newly-merged business will be able to offer consumers a broad package of services--including cable TV; local, long distance, and wireless telephone service; high-speed Internet access; and paging services.

Gigabit Internet to every Canadian Home by 2005
One of last great impediments to wide scale and rapid deployment of the Information Society is the "last mile" issue. Competitive equal access at both the physical and logical layers, low cost Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) equipment, and new Internet architectural concepts currently under development in CANARIE's optical Internet network -CA*net 3 may allow for a initial deployment at relatively low cost. It is estimated that a GITH (Gigabit Internet to the Home) system would cost less than Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) systems currently being deployed and would be marginally more expensive than xDSL or Cable Modem services. The early market pull of GITH network may be "always on" applications, multimedia "push" services, mega e-mail, DWDM caching, and DVD video applications.

IDC predicts the Net landscape for 1999
Media companies that have been watching from the sidelines will finally make their move to invest in--or outright acquire--major Web portals in 1999, leaving the hyper-competitive industry controlled by a handful of behemoths, according to a new study. Major consolidation in the portal space is market research firm International Data Corporation's top prediction about what the Internet landscape will be like next year.
Following on the heels of Disney's new stake in Infoseek and NBC's investment in Snap, media interest will culminate with Time Warner or CBS tapping Yahoo as a partner next year, the study forecast.
Software giant Microsoft, for example, likely will throw its weight behind a major portal, and Citigroup or Wells Fargo likely will acquire E*Trade, the report said. IDC also predicted the possibility of three additional deals in 1999: Compaq Computer will sell off AltaVista, Infoseek will merge with Lycos, and NBC will purchase a greater stake in CNET and Snap.

Raft of network vendors support interoperability initiative
Six companies have joined an initiative designed to provide interoperability among IP-telephony platforms, according to a statement issued jointly Wednesday by VocalTec Communications, Lucent, and ITXC.
iNow (interoperability Now) is to make the gateways and gatekeepers used for IP telephony interoperable. VocalTec, Lucent and ITXC developed the iNow interoperability agreement based on the ITU H.323 standard and the upcoming H.225.0 Annex G standard, the statement said.

Broadband Data Hits The Information Highway.
It won't happen quite yet, but according to Ericsson, by 2005 we could all be experiencing 2 megabits/second wireless data to our stationary computers, or 384 kilobits/second data to our mobile pocket and briefcase (and AutoPC) information appliances! (http://www.ericsson.com/wireless/products/mobsys/3rdgen/ subpages/3gcell/subpages/3wcdma/3wcdma.shtml)
WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) technology, or a "3rd generation mobile services platform" known as IMT-2000 or simply "3G," is currently being explored as one successor to current GSM mobile phone technology. Indeed, Motorola is already working towards a goal of putting an entire 3G cellphone on a single chip (http://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?EBN19981102S0050).
ABCnews.com (http://www.abcnews.com/sections/tech/DailyNews/nextfiles981207.html) describes claims by Tachyon Communications that they have a technique to expand the number of data streams that a satellite transponder can provide by eight times, providing 64 kilobits/second uplink and 500 kilobits/second downlink data for as little as $500/month.
European AORTANet broadband network (http://www.chello.com/press/presindx.htm) plans to begin offering $50/month broadband Internet access in major European capitals, "by the end of the year"! According to ABCnews.com, "Europe is now in the broadband race."
WorldCom has announced plans to roll out DSL service in "25 major markets" by for $40-$60/month. "The size and speed of this rollout will provide the first credible challenge in the U.S. broadband market to cable providers like USWest and other Bells who have only paid lip service to getting DSL on the street."

Computer giants join the DSL-regulatory fray
In a petition filed with the Federal Communications Commission, a group that includes Compaq, Gateway, Intel and Microsoft, as well as GTE and several RBOCs, says the FCC is slowing the deployment of digital subscriber line (DSL) high-speed access services.

Europe's first ADSL service launches
A London government-owned telecommunications carrier, Kingston Communications, has become the first telco in Europe to offer a commercial ADSL service, a company spokesman said Wednesday.

Report: ADSL Will Overtake Cable
Friday Most pundits say that cable modems will zoom the bulk of high-speed Internet content to consumers. But a new report says the underdog technology will catch up by 2004.
By 2004, the phone line-based technology of asymmetric digital subscriber line, or ADSL, will capture 37 percent of the market for US broadband subscribers, Allied Business Intelligence predicted Friday.
Cable modems, which deliver high-speed data over cable TV lines, will trail ADSL with a 26 percent market share, the company said. ADSL works over standard copper phone wiring and allows users to receive data roughly 50 times faster than today's 56K modems.

Cable Marriage With CBS on Digital TV
The agreement between Time Warner and CBS to carry CBS' digital television signals on cable stations is significant for two reasons. It's the first sign of a detente between the warring broadcast and cable factions, and it might be the impetus needed to speed the arrival of high-definition TV to the vast consumer market.

AT&T Buys IBM's Global Network
Tuesday But there's more to the deal than a US$5 billion cash purchase: The two giants also traded huge outsourcing contracts.

Microsoft invested $200 million in Qwest Communications
Both companies try to make inroads into the burgeoning market for e-commerce and "mission-critical" business software applications and services. Unlike the thrust of "Raw Iron," the move promotes Windows NT, as a platform for digital subscriber line technology.

Japan Telecom to Collaborate with Cisco Systems for its Next-Generation Network Infrastructure
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- December 16, 1998 -- Japan Telecom Co., Ltd. will evaluate IP-based networking solutions from Cisco Systems in the development and trial of its Progressive and Revolutionary Integration on Service Media (PRISM) next-generation network infrastructure. This would be the first new-world network in Japan and among the first in Asia, and it would allow Japan Telecom to significantly reduce the cost of existing services while enabling next-generation data, voice and video services. Eventually, PRISM would also replace Japan Telecom's existing core network of voice switches to provide a single, integrated multimedia network.

Singapore commits $152 million to network upgrade
Regulatory body Telecommunications Authority of Singapore has committed S$253 million (US$152 million) to further develop the country's information and communications network.

AOL Rings Up $31 Million Bell/GTE Deal
America Online Inc. (AOL) said it will carry online commercial directories from Bell Atlantic (BEL) and GTE (GTE) as the Yellow Pages database. AOL will offer the listings on its proprietary online service, its free AOL.com Web site and its Digital Cities network of local information guides. The phone companies together will pony up $31 million for AOL to carry the directories, according to terms of the three-year deal, and AOL gets a share of the ad revenue.

AOL Bigger Than Local ISPs
America Online Inc. (AOL) is reported to have more users than all local Internet service providers combined. Research by Ziff-Davis's (ZD) ZD Market Intelligence estimated AOL had 14 million members as of last August, compared to 13 million users served by ISPs which offer Internet access locally and regionally around the nation. The figures do not include members of CompuServe, ZDnet said in its report on the research. The customer counts mean AOL has 42 percent of the at-home Internet access market, up from 30 percent in January of this year, the report added. The company is also said to be making strong gains in providing access to business users, a factor that has had other ISPs nervous for some time.

America Online goes to the majors
The online giant gets its due as its stock is named a Standard & Poor's 500 component. At the same time, Oracle chief Larry Ellison uses the firm's $4.3 billion buyout of Netscape as proof that Microsoft has seriously hurt its competitors.

Europeans tap document management to compete
A new study found that more European firms are turning to electronic document management to boost competitiveness and to ease compliance with government regulations.

Network Associates inks DARPA deal
Network Associates' NAI Labs research division has won three U.S. government contracts to build security products and protocols for a new generation of computer networks, according to a company statement.

5.2. New Products

Cisco News Releases

IBM* e-business and Software News Alert on the Web

HP Press Releases

Maxum Development (http://www.maxum.com) recently released "WebDoubler 1.0", a new caching proxy that supports the current 'state of the art' feature set for caching proxies, including what may be the first non-experimental implementation of HTTP/1.1 request pipelining in a proxy. Cache storage can span multiple disk volumes, and WebDoubler supports a plug-in architecture, PICS content filtering tools, etc. The surprising thing about WebDoubler is not the (reasonably respectable) feature set, or the solid performance; the surprise is that WebDoubler runs on the Mac, and not on UNIX or NT!"

Patently Proxied
SurfWatch recently obtained a patent for technology that "includes the steps of maintaining a database of filters, comparing information in an Internet request to filtering information ... and determining whether to prevent or allow the transmission in response to the comparison." Hmm, sounds like access lists to me. Read about it at
http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/16270.html .

Proxy Benchmarking
The IRCACHE group at NLANR is actively working on software and procedures to benchmark Web caching products. The software, known as Web Polygraph, has a number of improvements since its initial release a couple of months ago.
Polygraph will be used to drive the benchmark simulations. In order to reach community-wide consensus on measurement techniques and procedures, the IRCACHE group has established a mailing list for discussion.

Aberdeen Group Report: "IBM WebSphere: The Best of Web, Java, and Enterprise Computing"
Aberdeen Group predicts that IBM WebSphere* will "quickly become the most widely deployed, open-standards-based runtime environment in the market. ... WebSphere is the most mature and capable open-standard, Java-based, application development and deployment platform."

Aberdeen Group Report: "The Extraordinary Potential of XML"
A recent Aberdeen Group report states that the use of XML for application integration is likely to reduce the costs of establishing system-to-system Interoperation within an enterprise, and to forge intercompany integration. Aberdeen Group stresses that application interoperation is not easy, and XML affords an immediate solution.

Microsoft, DataChannel unleash beta 2 of XML parser
Microsoft and DataChannel Monday announced the second beta version of their co-developed Extensible Markup Language (XML) parser written in Java.

PalmPilot dominance may slip in 1999
This year, the PalmPilot may have won most of its battles against attacks from Microsoft's Windows CE devices, but industry watchers predict that the handheld computing war is far from over. 3Com's PalmPilot easily continued to dominate the field in 1998, garnering almost 80 percent of the market, in the face of a full assault from Microsoft and its fleet of palm-size devices. But analysts caution that if the software giant continues to refine its Windows CE operating system, the balance will inevitably shift to Microsoft.
This year saw the launch of the third-generation PalmPilot, the Palm III, as well as the first Generation of palm-size PCs from companies such as Casio, Philips, Everex, and Hewlett-Packard, among others.

TiVo launches "smart TV" trial
TiVo has started field trials of a service that will enable old-fashioned analog TVs to pause, rewind, and play back television programs as well as seek out programs that might be useful to their owners.
TiVo's service uses a special set-top "receiver" that acts like a digital VCR. It permits users to view, pause, and rewind live programs as well as record programs and replay them at will. The device also dials in to a central database of program information as part of its ability to let users customize their viewing experience.
The field trials, which started this week in the San Francisco Bay Area and will be expanded to other test markets, are being conducted in anticipation of a full scale launch of the service in the first quarter of 1999. TiVo's announcement follows news of a similar service in the works by Replay Networks.

New Web radio technology aims for masses
Nullsoft (http://www.nullsoft.com/) says its newly released SHOUTcast product enables anyone using a WinAMP audio player to create his or her own Web radio station--without high bandwidth requirements. SHOUTcast allows its users to broadcast lower-quality MP3 sound files to other WinAMP users, and to broadcast their programs through Nullsoft-hosted servers. In addition, anyone with a WinAMP player can listen to any other SHOUTcast stations.
The company that created WinAMP and MacAMP--software that can play MP3 compressed audio files--hopes that SHOUTcast will stir up a grassroots tidal wave of independent Web broadcasters.

Sun, Alcatel building Internet phone
Sun Microsystems and French telecommunications giant Alcatel are working together to develop a consumer electronics device with lots of space-age style: Internet screen phones.
Alcatel's screen phones are consumer-oriented devices combining a telephone with a basic Web browser, letting people easily connect to the Internet. They have a 7.5-inch touch screen, retractable keyboard, and smart card reader, and use a Sun Web browser running on the JavaOS for consumers operating system.
The first screen phone, due at the beginning of the fourth quarter of 1999, is expected to cost about $350, although consumers also will have to pay Internet connection fees, said Karen Peck, director of marketing at Alcatel USA. The Internet screen phone is intended for quick Web-based transactions such as ordering pizza or downloading stock quotes.

Cabletron enters cable modem fray
Cabletron's new cable modem products are designed to let users access the Internet over cable TV networks.

IBM-Red Hat Deal Opens Window on Corporate Challenges
IBM is exploring a deal with freeware company Red Hat that will see IBM service and support Red Hat's version of Linux. IBM has quietly supported commercially available versions of Linux that now run on IBM RS/6000 systems. But the IBM deal apparently requires IBM's legal team to feel comfortable that if they or their clients change the source code, no patent, copyright or other liability would arise. It's a fascinating look at a major enterprise-computing player fighting to come to grips with freeware.

Sprint changes ION local-loop emphasis
Sprint Thursday said it has changed its strategy for securing local-loop access for its Integrated On-Demand Network (ION).

HP powers up new Unix server
Hewlett-Packard has blown the top off its Unix server line with a new high-end model that includes up to 32 RISC processors and is designed to run heavy-duty data center applications.

Coming soon: Home multimedia servers
Coffee, tea--or massive servers that stream multimedia content throughout your home? Sony and Western Digital unveil their plans.

Typical desktop system, circa fourth quarter 1999
Flat panel display; IEEE 1394 I/O; Operating system: Windows 2000; 25GB hard drive; CD-RW; Two USB ports; 128MB of RDRAM; Intel 650-MHz processor

Iomega unzips 250MB drive
Zip drive capacity up to 250MB; Iomega ships Clik drive for cameras.

PalmPilot dominance may slip in 1999
This year, the PalmPilot may have won most of its battles against attacks from Microsoft's Windows CE devices, but industry watchers predict that the handheld computing war is far from over. 3Com's PalmPilot easily continued to dominate the field in 1998, garnering almost 80 percent of the market, in the face of a full assault from Microsoft and its fleet of palm-size devices. But analysts caution that if the software giant continues to refine its Windows CE operating system, the balance will inevitably shift to Microsoft.
This year saw the launch of the third-generation PalmPilot, the Palm III, as well as the first Generation of palm-size PCs from companies such as Casio, Philips, Everex, and Hewlett-Packard, among others.

Typical desktop system, circa fourth quarter 1999
Flat panel display; IEEE 1394 I/O; Operating system: Windows 2000; 25GB hard drive; CD-RW; Two USB ports; 128MB of RDRAM; Intel 650-MHz processor

Iomega unzips 250MB drive
Zip drive capacity up to 250MB; Iomega ships Clik drive for cameras.

Net calendars: the new bandwagon
Calendar services--pages that allow users to make appointments and set their schedules--are all the rage these days, with everyone from Yahoo to startups joining the fray.

Yahoo! Supports Palm Pilot
Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO) said Tuesday users of its new address book service (http://address.yahoo.com) will be able to access their calendars and contact information from any Net-connected PC and synchronize it with 3Com's (COMS) palm computing devices.

5.3. Internet and IT Market Trends

NUA Internet Surveys
Nua is a specialist Internet company - a digital agent of change. Nua's focus is on building and managing online relationships and brands - that space between your company and its various brand communities.
Nuaware is a strategic technical and business approach to understanding and developing for the Internet - to build and manage brands and relationships online successfully.
Globalisation and the Information Society - A Response from Nua

White Paper: Key Research Issues in International Electronic Commerce
Edited by: Doug Vogel, City University of Hong Kong & University of Arizona, USA
Results from the June 8, 1998 special session of the 11th annual Bled, Slovenia Electronic Commerce Conference on Electronic Commerce in the Information Society.
The group generated 174 issues with 531 associated comments that were clustered into 22 categories. The clusters, in order of perceived importance as research topics, were: organizational change, process improvement/modeling, management, cost/benefit, human dynamics, social impact, security, logistics, technology infrastructure, standards/protocols, legal, new services/models, value chain, interface, design/development, education, marketing, innovation diffusion, information management/navigation, government, SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), and geographic differences.

'99: A Year to Make Good on Electronic Commerce
If 1996 brought the birth of e-commerce, and 1997 saw it sit up, 1998 will go down as the year e-commerce began to crawl, warts and all, into the mainstream consumer consciousness. According to cyberscenti, the coming 1999 year will see e-commerce deliver on some of the promise it began to show in 1998.
Notwithstanding the fact that choosing crucial e-commerce issues is akin to selecting snowflakes in a blizzard, Internet experts were asked to predict the next 12 months in five distinct areas: Internet speed, fraud, consumer-oriented retail, advertising, and the software and technology demands of e-commerce sites.

Merrill Lynch pushes back online trading, again
Merrill Lynch confirmed it is postponing the launch of its online-trading initiative once again, citing the upcoming debut of the new European currency and compliance snafus with the Year 2000 computer bug.

Holiday Buying Hits $5 Billion
Web-based shoppers set records, boost total holiday sales.
Holiday shopping on the Internet nearly quadrupled this year to more than $5 billion, a new survey showed--and it helped push overall holiday retail sales to a new record.
An estimated $14 billion of Internet-based goods and services were sold to consumers in 1998, equaling 1 percent of the nation's retail economy for the first time, MCA said.

Networking-cable marriage in works?
Why would a networking company that counts on huge revenue streams from its sophisticated technology for phone service and the Internet be interested in a box that allows users to order the latest Leonardo DiCaprio movie for $3.95?
This is what many industry observers are pondering amid a swirl of rumors regarding possible business deals, involving the likes of General Instrument and Scientific-Atlanta. Curiously, networking giants Cisco Systems and Lucent Technologies are among the rumored interested parties.
General Instrument has seen its stock rise 16 percent this week on takeover rumors, and was trading at 36.9375 late today. Philips Electronics, another primary suitor named in reports earlier this week, halted trading in its stock this afternoon, with trading volume in GI spiking on anticipation of a deal. Yet Philips instead announced that it would buy back about 8 percent of its stock.

Net Access Revenues Seen Shrinking
The price of Internet access will sink rapidly in the next five years, perhaps following a pattern now being seen in Great Britain: becoming free. That's the judgment of Daniel Bieler, chief author of an Internet market forecast for London-based researchers Ovum Inc (http://www.ovum.com). "Revenues in the dial-up market will actually decline despite enormous increases in subscribers, due to competition," he told CBS.MarketWatch.com. ISPs will need to develop different ways of making money, possibly shifting into other businesses such as providing content for a fee, Bieler said from his home in London.

EWallet Reports Strong Download Demand
The developer of eWallet, which simplifies online purchases, said its software has been downloaded by 100,000 people in the three weeks it's been available. Ewallet securely stores a user's credit card and shipping information on a PC. If they visit an e-commerce Web site using the technology, they only need to drag and drop a file to upload information the merchant needs to make the transaction. The company also announced agreements with software retailer Beyond.com and gift merchant Presents.com in which consumers will receive $10 off of their first purchase using eWallet.

E-Trade Site Draws 500,000
Half a million people have registered for access to E-Trade Group's (EGRP) new Destination E-Trade Web site, the company said. The site, conceived as a "financial portal", went live in September. No. 2 online brokerage began a $100 million marketing campaign to add new brokerage accounts. E-Trade president Christos M. Cotsakos said as many as 15 million people use the Internet for investment research.

Euro users revolt against high online costs
In separate events across Europe, online users in Spain, Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, the UK and France staged 24-hour boycotts to protest the high cost of local phone calls.

1999's most powerful people, companies, users & more
From feisty CEOs to companies on the move, Network World's annual Power Issue tells you who's who and what to look for in the coming year.

Techweb's Top Stories of 1998

Public signs on to e-commerce in '98 (CNET News.com top stories on e-commerce)

6. Legal and Social Issues of Internet/IS

6.1. Legal Issues (Merges, DOJ news, Crypto, Tax)

Major Court Decisions Will Shape the Internet in 1999
Future development of Internet will strongly depend on regulation and legal basis


Wassenaar Agreement
At a meeting on Thursday in Vienna, the 33 countries that have signed the Wassenaar Arrangement limiting arms exports -- including Japan, Germany and Britain -- agreed to impose controls on the most powerful data scrambling technologies, including for the first time mass market software. The United States, which restricts exports of a wide range of data scrambling products, has long sought without success to convince other countries to impose similar restrictions.
Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) setting up a Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use goods and technology

Encryption regulations threaten internet privacy and e-commerce growth
Hackers Can Crack Secret Codes in a Day, Technical and Standards Groups Warn
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), two international groups responsible for technical management and standards for the Internet, today issued a warning that the Internet will be weak and vulnerable because of the restrictions recently placed on the export of encryption software.
The IAB and IESG issued the warning in a joint statement in response to recent changes to the Wassenaar Arrangement, which would limit the availability of strong encryption software. Hackers could crack code using the current approved length of 64-bit ciphers in less than a day with a relatively small investment, according to technical experts. Three years ago, the groups endorsed a 90-bit key as the minimum for security for Internet communications and commerce.

European Commission Legal Advisory Board News
November - December 1998

The European Union adopts Action Plan on Promoting Safer Use of the Internet

U.S. eases export limits on encryption
The new export rules end the need for licenses to export powerful U.S. encryption products for several key industry sectors--such as banking and e-commerce--after a one-time review by the Commerce Department.

NUA Internet Surveys
Nua is a specialist Internet company - a digital agent of change. Nua's focus is on building and managing online relationships and brands - that space between your company and its various brand communities.
Nuaware is a strategic technical and business approach to understanding and developing for the Internet - to build and manage brands and relationships online successfully.
Globalisation and the Information Society - A Response from Nua

"The Crypto Controversy A Key Conflict in the Information Society"
PhD Thesis by Bert-Jaap Koops
The Crypto Controversy pays attention to the reasoning of both privacy activists and law-enforcement agencies, to the particulars of technology as well as of law, to 'solutions' offered both by cryptographers and by governments. Koops proposes a method to balance the conflicting interests and applies this to the Dutch situation, explaining both technical and legal issues for anyone interested in the subject.

Without Public Peer: The Potential Regulatory and Universal Service Consequences of Internet Balkanization
By Rob Frieden rmf5@psu.edu, Virginia Journal of Law and Technology
I examine the development of private peering with an eye toward assessing whether smaller ISPs, especially ones in rural areas, will face reduced and more expensive access opportunities. I note the maturation of the Internet and the use of alternatives to Sender Keep All settlements has established a more hierarchical network of networks operating much like today's telecommunications network. If this has occurred and if universal access to the Internet becomes a public policy mission, then the goal may have become more challenging and more expensive. This dilemma arises at the same time as we face challenges on how to fund a more expansive universal telecommunications mission.

Chinese Hackers Get Death
Two crackers who broke into a bank computer network and stole 260,000 yuan (US$31,400) have been sentenced to death by a court in eastern China.

6.2. Copyright, WIPO news

WIPO and Electronic Commerce
WIPO Internet domain name process
Regional consultation meetings and international conference on intellectual property and electronic commerce
WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty

6.3. Spam and Content Abuse problems

Spam Law on Congress Docket
A passing remark by the chairman of the House Commerce Committee raises hopes that federal legislation to stop junk email will occupy a prominent place on the agenda of the next Congress.
The American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation are among the groups concerned with free speech implications brought by antispam legislation.

AOL takes a bite out of spam
America Online has won three more lawsuits in its campaign against companies that send unsolicited bulk commercial e-mail, commonly called spam, to AOL subscribers.

To spam or not to spam
Sooner or later, every marketing person will be asked about sending unsolicited e-mail. Before answering, they should read this.

7. Conferences, Workshops, Meetings

GISEDI and IESERV concertation meeting
Recent Developments in Standards for Electronic Publishing
21 - 22 Jan. 1999, La Defense, PARIS
Organised by the GISEDI and IESERV projects
Sponsored by European Commission DGXIII-E (Lux), EDIFRANCE, AFNOR
Standards play a critical role in the emerging electronic publishing market. Many EU funded projects and industry groups have been actively developing and promoting standards. The workshop aims to provide a forum for presentations of the key issues covering in particular Metadata for Context, Content, and Commerce.
This event will assist developers of electronic publishing products and services to address specific business objectives related to standards. Day one provides presentations on context and content issues with case studies and discussions of language and discovery issues. The focus of the workshop on day two is on standards related to commerce and covers aspects of ownership and transactions. The day also includes a presentation by the European Commission of developments in the workplan for the 5th Framework Programme and the focus of forthcoming Calls for proposals.

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Information Systems Support for Electronic Commerce
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Fall 1999
The purpose of this special issue is to cover enabling technologies, critical technical approaches and business-centered design methodologies that address shortcomings of contemporary E-Commerce applications and that can have a major impact on the evolution of business-to-business E-Commerce. Emphasis is given to information systems technologies and in particular how these meet the requirements of Internet-enabled business (vertical) applications that span locational as well as organizational boundaries.

International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting
Washington, DC, USA, Sept. 23-26, 1999
Museums and the new technologies: ICHIM99 meeting focuses on international cultural heritage informatics, Washington, DC, from 23-26 September

The 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Maui, Hawaii, January 2000
The HICSS series of conferences has become a unique and respected forum in computer and information systems and technology for the exchange of ideas among the researchers and development communities in North America, the Asian and Pacific Basin Nations, Europe, and the Middle East. In addition to the Software Technology Track, HICSS-33 will have other Tracks in Information Systems.

European Digital Cities seminar
Hamburg, 7-8 Dec.´99
A specific session on standardisation issues coming out of the TURA projects (Telematics for Urban and Rural Areas) will be held in the framework of the EDC seminar (Hamburg, 7-8 December 1999). This session is co-organised with Andrew Colleran from the TEISS project. The programme includes plenary sessions on economic development and on education and training, as well as workshops on standards, employment, quality of life, healthcare, the environment, telworking, public administrations and teledemocracy, and teh event also includes the TeleCities Annual General Meeting.
Information on the agenda of the seminar together with the name of the projects that could contribute to the specific themes

Compiled by Yuri Demchenko. 12.1998.