Z News Dispatches
 Monthly news update
1. TERENA and European NRENs News

1.1. TERENA News

1.1.1. TERENA General News (GA, TA)
1.1.2. TERENA WG and TF News
1.1.3. TERENA Webserver News
1.2. NREN News
1.3. The Works of DANTE (bi-monthly news) 
1.4. EuroCERT
1.5. Internet2 and NGI News

2. Internet World News 

2.1. ISOC News
2.2. New IANA (ICANN) News 

3. EC ISPO News 

3.1. FP5/ISPO
3.2. Telematics Program
3.3. Education 

4. Internet Technology News and Standardisation

4.1. IETF News
4.2. CEN/ISSS and EEMA News
4.3. Technology News
4.3.1. Security
4.3.2. Java 

5. Internet and IT Industry News 

5.1. Companies, Telecommunications, Infrastructure
5.2. New Products 

6. Legal and Social Issues of Internet/IS 

6.1. Legal Issues (Merges, DOJ news, Crypto, Tax)
6.2. Copyright, WIPO news
6.3. Spam and Content Abuse problems 

7. Conferences, Workshops, Meetings 


1. TERENA and European NRENs News

1.1. TERENA News
1.1.1. TERENA General News (GA, TA)

Invitation for Technical Project Proposals. First Deadline is November 27, 1998

8-9 October 1998: TERENA General Assembly meets in Dresden. Minutes.

8 October 1998: TERENA Networking Conference '98 in Dresden, Germany

October 5, 1998: TERENA TA Meting in Dresden. Minutes.

4 September 1998: TERENA to organise workshops on caching and indexing in DESIRE II Project

1.1.2. TERENA WG and TF News

Contact for updating TERENA GNRT have been signed with Margaret Isaacs

4 November 1998: New Task Force TF-TANT on testing of networking Technologies.
The main TF-TANT activity is the Quantum Test Programme http://www.dante.net/quantum/qtp/

TERENA Working Group WG-LLT, WG-ISUS, WG-MSG/WG-i18n, WG-SEC, WG-NMA and Task Forces TF-TEN, TF-CHIC, TF Cache had their meeting on October 4, 1998. Minutes are available at

Jackob Palme (Stockholm University and KTH) announced about his plans to write a book about Internet application protocols and standards. Until now, only one chapter has been written, the chapter about coding. You can find it at URL http://www.dsv.su.se/~jpalme/internet-course/book/application-protocols.html

Web page with demonstration of multi-lingual message technology in Web4Groups and KOM 2000 messaging systems is available at http://cmc.dsv.su.se:9001/w4g.dsv.su.se_9001/try/18/?lang=en
The systems use new header named "Translation-Of", every translation has an ISO/IETF standard language mark on it. This new header is the only change needed to e-mail standards to support multi-linguality.

Informational document that explains aspects of caching; what it is, why it is good, and how to go about it (with server-specific instructions) was written by Mark Nottingham, Australia. The target audience of web designers, webmasters and the like - anyone who creates content on the Web http://mnot.cbd.net.au//cache_docs/cache_doc.html

1.1.3. TERENA Webserver News

November 3, 1998. TNC98 Report and presentations are available from TERENA Web Server

October 18, 1998. New Design of TERENA Homepage

8 October 1998: TERENA publishes final reports of projects

1.2. NREN News

Draft of a paper commissioned by UK funding body regarding future architectures for Academic Networking in the UK by John Dyer
URL : http://www.ja.net/documents/net_arch.html

ition to the operational TEN-155 network, the Quantum project will implement a testing programme (QTP) which has the objective of testing and validating new technologies, products and services with a view to introducing them into the operational network at a future date. The QTP is managed by DANTE as the Co-ordinating Partner in the Quantum project and carried out in a Joint Task Force with TERENA.

DANTE reorganised the distribution of the European Mbone and provided a Mbone pilot service to the national research networks.

From 1 January 1999 DANTE will commence to run the NameFLOW Directory services to the European research community services in house.

1.4. EuroCERT

1.5. Internet2 and NGI News

Report of the Fall 98 Internet 2 meeting by John Dyer
URL : http://www.ja.net/documents/internet2.html

Joint Internet2 / NLANR workshop, CMU Pittsburgh, 1-4 Nov. 19Demands building routers that can power the DWDM Internet.
For more information on this item please visit the CANARIE CA*net II Next Generation Internet web site at http://www.canet2.net

The MASH Research Project at Berkeley has recently released a beta version of its software -- the MASH multimedia/networking toolkit. This toolkit is freely available for download from

The MASH project and its software builds on the collective work of the MBone research community (notably, the vic, vat, and wb multicast conferencing tols from LBL) with new approaches to and variants of multimedia control protocols, reliable multicast, real-time transcoding "proxies", wecasting applications, multimedia archive systems, and network programmable "active services". Further details of the project are available at

The Canadian government is investing USD120 million in a new high-speed networking backbone, capable of moving data at speeds of up to 1.5 million times faster than the average 28.8 Kbps modem. Built by CANARIE, a Canadian research consortium together with a team from Bell Canada, the first stages of development will be available only to university researchers and some government departments and those who are using CANARIE's current research network. The technology used by the new system will need advanced computers to function properly. The new network, which as been dubbed CA*net3, is expected to be in October.
THE I S O C FORUM. 24 September 1998. Vol. 4, No. 09.

2. Internet World News

2.1. ISOC News

Announcement of passing of Jon Postel at http://www.isoc.org/postel/

ITU to Expand Collaboration with IETF on IP-Related Aspects in Standards-Setting [15 September 1998].
The Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has agreed on a set of procedures to allow ITU-T Study Groups to develop technical specifications for Internet Protocol (IP) based networks in cooperation with the Internet Society/Internet Engineering Task Force (ISOC/IETF).
THE I S O C FORUM. 22 October 1998. Vol. 4, No. 10.

WASHINGTON, DC, September 3, 1998 -- Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, senior vice-president of MCI, and one of the "fathers" of the Internet, has been elected chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society (ISOC), the premier international organization charged with the open evolution of the global Internet.
The Executive Committee is composed of Cerf, Susan Estrada, Huitema, Kees Neggers, and Heath.
THE I S O C FORUM. 22 October 1998. Vol. 4, No. 10.

1998 Norbert Wiener Awards.
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) has chosen the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to be honored with the 1998 Norbert Wiener award for Professional and Social Responsibility. This is CPSR's highest honor, and it is only the second time in its 12-year history that the Wiener award is being given to an organization rather than to an individual. - http://www.cpsr.org/issues/98Wiener.html

Award for free software
MIT Tech Talk. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1998
Larry Wall, a programmer and creator of Perl and several widely used software programs, received the first annual Free Software Foundation (FSF) Award for the Advancement of Free Software at the Media Lab on October 9, 1998.

As part of his doctoral research on the global expansion of the Internet, ISOC member Paula Uimonen is conducting a survey focusing on the experiences and perspectives of individuals who are professionally active in the development of the Internet in developing countries. The questionnaire can be found at http://www.i-connect.ch/uimonen/pusurvey.htm.
More information about the survey can be obtained by contacting Paul Uimonen at uimonen@i-connect.ch.
THE I S O C FORUM. 24 September 1998. Vol. 4, No. 09.

2.2. New IANA (ICANN) News

ICANN Press Release 06 November 1998 "ICANN asks Commerce Department to begin DNS transition"
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today advised the Department of Commerce that it is ready to negotiate the transition agreement transferring Domain Name System administration from U.S. Government control. The transition is expected to last about a year, during which time the Initial Board of ICANN will create a permanent governance structure with members and member-elected directors.

October 20, 1998. In his official answer (http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/press/icann102098.htm) to proposed bylwas Ira Magaziner write that government will adopt the IANA plan, but only if ISI adopts some of the revisions most of which have been submitted by the Boston Working Group and the Open Root Server Confederation. The main points Magaziner is pressing ISI to adopt are open financial accountability of the corporation, the resolution of possible conflicts of interest between supporting organizations being both the policy advisors to the board of directors and responsible for choosing the board, and the introduction of some sort of membership scheme to directly elect the board.

October 7, 1998. New agreement between Department of Commerce (USG) and Network Solutions, Inc. (NSI) to facilitates the stable evolution of the Internet domain name system (DNS) extends the Cooperative Agreement through September 30, 2000.
Acording to this agreement NSI by October 1, 1999 the following work will have completed: reengineering of NSI's registry/registrar interface and back end systems so as to assure that NSI, acting as registry, shall give all licensed Accredited Registrars (including NSI acting as registrar) equivalent access ("equal access") to registry services through the Shared Registration System.

IANA Draft Bylaws - Fifth Iteration.
Bylaws For Internet Corporation For Assigned Names And Numbers
October 2, 1998 last 5th virsion of New IANA bylaws have been proposed by John Postel ICANN - INTERNET CORPORATION FOR ASSIGNED NAMES AND NUMBERS (http://www.iana.org/bylaws-coop.html), that became a result of previuos discussion of all interetsed parties and realise all demands of US Government White Paper of June5, 1998 (http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/6_5_98dns.htm).
In his letter of October 2, 1998 to DOC John Postel also informed about registration of new organisation as Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation under laws of California and about forming Interim Board of 9 personalities recommended during discussion of previuos versions.
The Bylaws suppose creating three Supporting Organizations -- for Addresses, Protocols, and Domain Names -- which are delegated the primary responsibility for developing and recommending substantive policies and procedures regarding those matters within their individual scope.

3. EC ISPO News

3.1. FP5/ISPO

A new report from the European Commission summarising the European RTD initiatives related to Internet development is available. - http://www.nectar.org/update/stories/1998100804.htm

White House Press Release (15.10.98): Vice President Gore Announces Five Challenges To Build A Global Information Infrastructure. - http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/press/veep101398.htm

The Vice President proposed five new challenges, which he characterized as a "Declaration of Interdependence."

First, he challenged the world community to improve access to Technology.
Second, he challenged the world community to bridge language barriers by developing technologies with real-time digital translation.
Third, he challenged the world community to create a global knowledge network of people working to improve the delivery of education, health care and other socially important goods.
Fourth, he challenged the world community to ensure that communications technology protects the free-flow of ideas and supports democracy and free speech.
Fifth, he challenged the world community to create networks that allow every micro-entreprenettp://www2.echo.lu/telematics/education/en/news/mou.html

Lifelong learning, just-in-time training, re-training required to overcome unemployment and changing skills, are all major challenges facing Europe today.
Specific actions are now being taken to bridge the gap between research and actual use of learning technologies, content and services. A new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on "Multimedia Access to Education and Training in Europe ­ A Partnership for a Common Approach to the Production and Delivery of Learning Technologies, Content and Services". Feedback based on the draft MoU is invited by 18 November 1998.
A Steering Committee will be elected to guide the implementation of the MoU.
Initially to be proposed by the initial signatories, the Special Interest Groups should be structured around the key areas for co-operation within the MoU, such as:

The IESG approved publication of An Architecture for The IESG has approved the Internet-Draft Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers <draft-ietf-diffserv-header-04.txt> as a Proposed Standard, obsoleting both RFC1349 and RFC1455.

The IESG has approved the Internet-Draft 'Language Tagging in Unicode Plain Text' <draft-whistler-plane14-00.txt> as an Informational RFC.

A New Internet-Drafts are available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories:

Schema for Differentiated Services Integrated Services in Networks ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-rajan-policy-qosschema-00.txt

HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-webdav-protocol-09.txt
This document specifies a set of methods, headers, and content-types ancillary to HTTP/1.1 for the management of resource properties, creation and management of resource collections, namespace manipulation, and resource locking (collision avoidance).

SPKI Certificate Theory ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-spki-cert-theory-03.txt
The SPKI Working Group has developed a standard form for digital certificates whose main purpose is authorization rather than authentication. These structures bind either names or explicit authorizations to keys or other objects.

Shared Registry System Protocol (SRSP) ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-crispin-srs-00.txt
This specification describes a protocol for a Shared Registry System (SRS) that allows multiple registrars to register domain names within a single Top Level Domain (TLD).

Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-lindberg-anti-spam-mta-05.txt
This memo gives a number of implementation recommendations for SMTP, MTAs to make them more capable of reducing the impact of spam.
A brief summary of this memo is:

Anti-UBE and Anti-UCE Keywords in SMTP Banners ftp/index.htm">http://www.oclc.org/oclc/research/projects/core/workshops/dc6conference/index.htm
General information about Dublin Core Metadate Description

EEMA and CEN/ISSS Survey of Standards-related Fora and Consortia. This information is available at

Documents specifying the current schema specification used by the EuroView X.500 pilot service are available at http://www.brunel.ac.uk/x500/euroview/deliverables.htm
This schema is a set of rules which define the structure and content of an X.500 database.

Forthcoming EC Workshop Plenary and XML/EDI Meeting will take place December 3-4, 1998 in Munich hosted by Siemens AG. General information about CEN/ISSS Workshops

4.3. Technology News

A new prototype, developed jointly between Spyglass and Lucent Technologies, allows telephone-based Web browsing using voice control.
The device allows users to dial a phone number and then navigate standard Web pages using voice commands, and "listen" to voice-synthesized pages.
The phone browser is a joint product of Lucent's speech-recognition and text-to-speech technologies, and Spyglass Prism, a Web server system that selectively filters Web pages to extract and package content for computing platforms with limited display and interface capabilities.

Intel: Linux inside? The giant chip maker Intel decided to invest into LINUX supporting company RedHat.
HP avaluating Linux for its applications.
The upstart OS has gained enough power in the commercial sphere that computing giant Hewlett-Packard is evaluating whether to fit it into its product plans, just as a new version of the increasingly popular software is readied.

Informix courting Linux users

DSL modem standard due soon. Participants in the standards setting process, including representatives from companies such as Intel, report that a preliminary, or "determined," standard for DSL modems will likely be set by Friday at a meeting of the International Telecommunications Union.

An effort to extend Ethernet to heavy-duty data tasks that's being spearheaded by gigabit-speed start-up Alteon Networks will be submitted to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as soon as this fall.

Motorola Inc. apparently is set to unveil a new voice command technology that will enable telephone and computer users to more easily retrieve information off the Internet.

4.3.1. Security

IBM, Intel Team Up on Security for e-business
IBM and Intel will promote adoption of the Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) specification for Internet security across multiple computing platforms. IBM will ship KeyWorks*, the first CDSA-based product, in AIX*, OS/400*, and OS/390*; in IBM Vault Registry* certificate management software; and in the IBM eNetwork Firewall* for AIX and NT** products. http://www.ibm.com/software/news/sw/c3c8/

The Adaptive Network Security Alliance have been formed to ensure that companies' security products will interoperate with each other, with ISS' intrusion-detection technology providing the lynch pin among them. The Alliance consists of 40 members, including 3Com, Compaq, Lucent Technologies, Check Point Software, Entrust, WatchGuard, Trustwork Systems, Security-7, GTE Internetworking, Trend Micro, ODS Networks, and Aventail.
Internet Security Systems, in Atlanta, is at http://www.iss.net.

4.3.2. Java

Jini - Java code that automatically discovers computer devices on the network and then registers their services. Jini is a key part of a broader architecture to distribute operating system services across the network. Although aimed at easing network compatibility problems, Jini is far more exciting for its promise to allow computing devices and applications to efficiently interact and cooperate with each other across a network.

5. Internet and IT Industry News

5.1. Companies, Telecommunications, Infrastructure

Information Society Trends. Issue number: 85 - (16.9.1998 - 18.10.1998)

Global Crossing, a US company specialised in laying fibre-optic cables in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, has said that it would invest 640 million Ecu in developing, by the end of 1999, a high-capacity network linking up 18 European cities to the USA, Asia and Latin America.

The French and German incumbent operators France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom said they would jointly develop a state-of-the-art telecoms network linking Europe's main financial centres to offer corporate communication services. This would include 40 cities in 16 countries. The new network, to become fully operational by the year 2000.

The Belgian national railway company SNCB said it plans to start offering corporate telecoms services in 1999 based on its private telecoms network.

Angel Technologies, a US company founded in 1996, has announced a successful real-life condition demonstration of its HALO broadband wireless network, featuring a transmission speed of 52 megabit per second. The High-Altitude Long-Operation (HALO) network is a new concept developed by Angel. It would provide high-speed communications services based on HALO aircrafts circling the sky above commercial airline traffic.

September 14, 1998 - WorldCom (Nasdaq: WCOM) completed its $47 billion merger with MCI, officially forming MCI WorldCom. This could happened after receiving July 15, 1998 final approval from the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) following selling their Internet backbone facilities and wholesale and retail Internet businesses for $1.75 billion in cash to Cable & Wireless. The decision removed the last regulatory hurdle to the completion of the merger.

Information Society Trends. Issue number: 84 - (1.8.1998 - 15.9.1998)

New founded Joint venture Symbian (by Britain's Psion, Finland's Nokia and Sweden's Ericcson) specialised in hand-held communications devices would aim at promoting Psion's EPOC operating system as an industry standard for wireless computing over hand-held devices, in particular smartphones and personal communicators.

Belgium's Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products (L&H), a world leader in speech and language technologies, products and services, has said it would acquire Globalink, a leading US supplier of translation software and services, in an all-stock deal. The move would give L&H access to new translation language pairs, electronic commerce products and global customers.

The leading UK telecoms operator BT has announced the roll-out on September 15 of a new multimedia communication service, BT Highway, which would allow customers to make phone calls and surf the Internet over the same phone line simultaneously.

5.2. New Products

October 27, 1998 -- Sun Microsystems announced the latest major release of its Solaris operating environment. Full 64-bit operating system kernel is complete. Solaris 7 incorporates significant new features and functionality, including a complete 64-bit operating system kernel and application environment, mainframe-class reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features, and ease-of-use features for installation, administration, and management.

IBM Web browser talks to visually impaired. IBM launched a talking Web browser that is designed to give blind and visually impaired computer users access to the Internet.

Novell teams up with Lucent in face of Cisco-Microsoft alliance.
Novell is setting out to prove that it does not need the support of Cisco Systems in order to be the leader in policy-based and directory-enabled networking.

Satellite provider SkyCache announced partnership with Novell and Cyberstar to feed data from its internet caching service to Novell's FastCache network cache server for enterprises.

Wired News Report that new hardware that can turn existing phone lines into high-speed networks for apartment dwellers and residents of apartment buildings and hotels. To carry ISDN or DSL connections to multiple tennants within a building the technlogy establishes an Ethernet local access network over existing telephone wiring within the building. It does so without interrupting normal telephone service over the same lines and elimiates the requirement to have individual DSL modems in each unit.

MCI WorldCom introduced a Web-based tool that will make it easier for ISPs to establish peering relationships at its major Internet access points (NAPs). The new PeerMaker software can be used to setup, reconfigure, or delete ATM Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) in near real time at MCI WorldCom's Metropolitan Area Exchange (MAE) sites in Vienna, Virginia; Dallas, Texas; and San Jose, California.

6. Legal and Social Issues of Internet/IS

6.1. Legal Issues (Merges, DOJ news, Crypto, Tax)

A new Swedish law which makes most of the Internet illegal in Sweden took effect yesterday. The law is named personal information handling law. It makes much of the publication of information about individual persons on the Internet illegal, such as criticism of named persons, publication of lists of references in scientific papers or the sending of e-mail messages outside of Europe.
More about the new law at URL http://www.dsv.su.se/~jpalme/society/personal-register-law.html

A significant study entitled "Eliminating Legal and Policy Barriers to Interoperable Government Systems" was undertaken by the U.S. Intergovernmental Enterprise Panel (IEP). The study was conducted by David Landsbergen and George Wolken of the Ohio Supercomputer Center, among others.
The report of study recommendations is available at http://iep.fedworld.gov/library/elapbigs/phase2.html

New 3rd edition of Oppenheim's "Legal & Regulatory Environment for Electronic Information" to be published in January 1999, it has been completely updated and revised and features significant new material covering domain names, recent cases, the EU Directives on copyright and databases, ISP liability and site licensing.

Ottawa OECD Ministerial Conference Agenda October 7-9, 1998

The International Chamber of Commerce presented A Global Action Plan for business with Governments towards Electronic Commerce at their meeting in Ottawa. The documents introduce conception of Rules-based commerce in a dynamic electronic environment.
The full document and covering letter is available by request from the EEMA office. A short extract is available at http://www.nectar.org/update/stories/1998110402.htm

The Canadian government announced its new policy on cryptography in September 1998 as part of its strategy to make Canada a world leader in e-commerce by 2000. The policy aims to develop e-commerce opportunities, to establish Canada as a leading exporter of cryptography technology, and to provide appropriate legislation to protect public safety. The new legislation means that not only can Canadian companies freely export cryptography software around the world but that there is no requirement to furnish the government with a key to encryption codes on software sold in the domestic market.
For more informationsee http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/15362.html.

(Statement issued by the IAB on 15 October 1998. For information send e-mail to iab@ietf.org or see http://www.ietf.org)

The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) are concerned by published descriptions of the "private doorbell" approach to resolving the encryption controversy. Essentially, the private doorbell requires that encryption and decryption be done at a gateway, rather than at an end system; see http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/govtaff/policy/paper/paper_index.html for one description. This is in conflict with the "end-to-end" principle, a fundamental tenet of the Internet architecture. While there is certainly a place for gateway-based encryption in some circumstances, to require it in all places (and to exclude end-to-end encryption) would warp the protocol structure. Furthermore, it offers a significantly lower level of security, in that there is no longer protection against inside attacks.

The federal government Wednesday relaxed its controversial regulations strictly limiting the export of strong data-scrambling technologies.

The U.S. Senate on Thursday voted 96 to 2 to approve a Internet Tax Freedom Act "ITFA" (S.442) bill that places a prohibition on taxes of Internet access and goods bought online.

Online video and music broadcasters are beginning to argue that the Web's original killer app -- unfettered hyperlinking -- is hurting their business.
"Linking without permission is stealing. Period, end of story," asserted Mark Cuban, CEO of broadcast.com, one of the biggest online broadcasters. "It's like tapping your neighbor's cable box."

Diamond's MP3 Player Rio to Roll The record industry's challenge to halt distribution of a portable player for MP3 music files downloaded from the Internet failed in federal district court in Los Angeles. Diamond Multimedia Systems Inc. (DIMD) said it expects to ship the $200 player, named Rio, next month.

6.2. Copyright, WIPO news

The House today passed legislation to impose new safeguards for software, music, and written works on the Net, and to outlaw technologies that can crack copyright protection devices.

6.3. Spam and Content Abuse problems

The same day as the signing, a California superior court judge threw out a lawsuit calling for mandatory filters on library computers usedto surf the Internet, basing the decision on a remaining portion of the discredited Communications Decency Act which says an access provider is not responsible for the content downloaded by third parties. Theattorney who filed the suit said that the case will not end here.

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Network and Distributed System Security Symposium '99 (NDSS) 3 - 5 February, 1999, San Diego, USA.

3rd IEEE Metadata Conference 1999.04.6-7, Bethesda Maryland.txt

Fourth International Web Caching Workshop. San Diego, California. March 31-April 2, 1999.

Sixth ICECS: The IEEE CAS Society Region-8 Conference.
The Sixth IEEE International Conference On Electronics, Circuits And Systems (ICECS '99). September 5 - 8, 1999. Pafos, CYPRUS

Compiled by Yuri Demchenko. 11.1998.