about possible European Internet2 Cooperation Program
Prepared by Yuri Demchenko
October 18, 1999
This information is produced as a compilation of Internet2 and IBM Research
Program related information. List of used information resources is at
Today's web is becoming self-organising and self-defining entity/structure
that gains features of world wide Knowledge Web. Internet together with
its web based information infrastructure changes platform and possibility
of worldwide economic integration based on global access to information/knowledge
without limitation to local technology development.
The necessary and important tools for navigating in such a new formation
is Digital Libraries, Metadata information and information/network middleware
infrastructure which forms Information enabled network infrastructure that
allows advanced information discovery (defining information communities
on the web as authoritative sources of information and information/knowledge/technology
development centers). Web information communities definition need to become
Another problem with development and implementation of the new technologies
that they are very high knowledge demanding and qualified workforce consuming.
Possible solution for this problem is creating virtual knowledge-based
communities on the web that will serve as place where researchers and researches
meets, exchange of information and create cooperative self-contributive
resources. The only what is needed in this case is providing free space,
computation facility at portal-like service. Actually, this will/should
lead to a formation of a new information/knowledge/communities infrastructure
of the Web/Internet in the form of Knowledge/Learning Web or Information/Directory
enabled network or Global Digital Library infrastructure.
All these tasks need high bandwidth and high computer power.
1. Initial assumptions - IBM Internet2 Center in Europe
and its goals
1.1. Looking at public success of Internet2 program/campaign, IBM want
to see/initiate (and be in the center of this) the same activity in Europe.
High community impact and sound projects
1.2. IBM wants to explore some genuine European issues/features like
Cross-border and Multicultural business and development environment
Multiprovider network infrastructure and cooperative elements like cache
Rich (cultural) information content, i.e. museums, monuments, etc.
Different technological level and network coverage
1.3. Provide shared (super)computer facilities for further development
and implementation of the new Internet technologies in Europe and promote
IBM's brands in this way in Europe - to fill niche of future demands
1.4. IBM is predisposed to follow its and other well known successful
stories (cases) in cooperation with R&E organisations in IT/Internet
areas, e.g. Educational grants/scholarship, Museums, etc.
1.5. Another obvious IBM's goals as a commercial company are:
Forming IBM's image among A&R community
Pilot testing of new products
Forming devoted qualified workforce
Possible output in establishing commercial services with IBM's leading
in implementation
1.6. Possible (long-term) output of the Center
Continuous testing and discovering new technologies/ideas
1.7. IBM wants clear relation/orientation with/to vital applications research
and community applications
1.8. Establishing such a Center is a highest level IBM's decision by
the people that operate high level global (biz and societal) categories
that sometimes lay far beyond current/daily practice. Therefore it seems
effective to use such approach/view in the proposal together with demonstrating
technical understanding how to practically implement or reach high/global
Therefore we should analyse both Internet2/Canarie programs
and IBM's records of research/community grants.
2. Internet2 activities and application projects that
can be considered as liaison activity for I2/IBM Center
2.1. Existing application Internet2 projects
Internet2 Digital Video Network and Digital Libraries -
Network access to the Vanderbilt Television News Archive -
Network-Based Real-Time Full-Motion Stereo Imaging for Teaching and Research
MPIRE (Massively Parallel Interactive Rendering Environment) Using Distributed
Computing to Interactively View the National Library of Medicine's "Visible
Human" -
The Video Encyclopedia of the 20th Century: A Digital Library Demonstration
2.2. Internet2 Demonstrators at INET99
Colliding Neutron Stars Across the Atlantic Ocean (
- astronomers to simulate-and then display in 3-D-the collision of two
neutron stars by linking supercomputers on opposite sides of the Atlantic
Ocean. (Internet2 Universities: Washington University, St. Louis, Pennsylvania
State University; Partners: Albert Einstein Institute, Argonne National
Laboratory; Contact: Jason Novotny,
GIOD: Globally Interconnected Object Databases
- physicists to access and analyze huge amounts of data resulting from
atomic collider experiments using high-performance network links, data
visualised using Java3D applications. (Internet2 University: California
Institute of Technology; Partners: Hewlett-Packard, CERN; Contact: Dr.
Julian J. Bunn,
Remote Data Collection and Analysis of Synchrotron Data (
- biologists to understand the function of proteins by remotely controlling
an advanced microscope. High bandwidth applications expedite access to,
and processing of, data resulting from the few large synchrotrons located
around the world. (Partners: SSRL, National University of Singapore: Stanford
Synchrotron Radiation Lab Collaboratory; Contact: Dr Tan Tin Wee,
Virtual Collaborative Clinic (Internet2 Universities: Stanford University,
University of California, Santa Cruz) - doctors to collaborate across the
country by sending, receiving and manipulating high-resolution 3-D images
in real time. Virtual Collaborative Clinic will allow doctors to plan and
practice delicate operations in virtual space before they perform real
3. IBM's projects that supposedly can be projected onto
European landscape
3.1. Hermitage (St. Petersburg) Online and images library with extended
search capabilities (search by author, country, style and palette)
3.2. CLEVER Searching that use technology that allows defining authoritative
source of information on the web based on iterative topic distillation
3.3. Current implementation for business information "communities"
does not use full potentiality of the technology.
Video/streaming charging
3.4. Network storage and data replication (current grant of Micha Beck
from Tennessee University)
3.5. Data mining technologies used for business applications
4. Possible areas of cooperation (grant applications)(but
are not limited to):
4.1. Network Infrastructure projects
Deployment of "active" network testbeds on top of Abilene/DANTE/NRENs.
4.2. Information infrastructure and Application projects (Information Retrieval,
Indexing Searching)
Defining/finding Authoritative information sources (defining web communities)
in European A&R information resources/webspace - based on and aimed
to further development of IBM's CLEVER Searching technologies
Robust cataloging, indexing tools & capabilities (for example, data
images indexing/searching/recognition (data mining technologies), close
captioned text indexing, voice recognition indexing, color/palette recognition,
human features recognition/identification (face, fingerprints)).
Large volume content servers that will test the different aspects of the
network applications/system.
4.3. Multimedia, Video, Streaming technologies
Collaborative and innovative ways to create and edit distributed high-quality
digital audio/video content over a high performance network.
Innovative distribution of video, audio and multicast to "off network"
end users employing a variety of network technologies including such as
wireless and satellite.
Delivery of multicast and/or streaming video to classrooms.
Scalable audio and digital video server systems/applications.
User interface issues, data visualisation and the blurring of broadcast
and Video on Demand systems.
4.4. "Collaboratoriums" of research laboratories, libraries and researches.
4.5. Infrastructural and development network support of high volume
data generation and computer consuming researches in Astronomy and Experimental
remote access to spatial/telescope data and data processing (Hawaii radiotelescope,
Automatic/remote telescope/experiment monitoring (REMOTE FP4 projects -
NL, Spain)
Authoriotative/Trusted (Data) Object Metadata/Index Database/Repository
needs new indexing technologies
computing power
Massive/big storage
wide connectivity plus QoS/DiffServ for granting quality access for the
4.6. Pilot implementation and testbed for the advanced developments from
the IETF scope of works/standards in
multicast technologies
LDAP, Directory, indexing (Common Indexing Protocol) (WG-LDAP, WG-LDUP,
WG-CIP, etc.)
Large Scale Application Deployment (BoF LSD-2)
Service Access Protocol (WG-SAP)
Content negotiation (WG-conneg)
Differentiated Services (WG-Diffserv, WG-?, etc.)
Caching and replication (WG-WREC)
4.7. Using IBM's Secure information use technologies to support creation
of National directories and PKI services for the university and digital
library community
4.8. Framework/Pilot scheme for technological extension to developing
5. Known Projects and developments of TERENA members
that can be benefit from European Cooperation
5.1. Streaming projects at SURFnet and related projects among TERENA
members -
need bandwidth and special HW and SW for creating space/place for cooperative
experiments across/between NREN streaming services and for Pilot implementation
for education (education material dissemination)
Also experiments with Satellite dissemination for regions with bad connectivity
and for mobile events/courses
5.2. REIS project on creation Pilot Indexing Service for Research and Education
community in Europe -
need wide bandwidth, computational power and massive storage space for
creating Research and Education Index for Europe (harvesting, classification,
distillation), which
will be used by national Indexing teams and projects for creating their
own (in native language) indexing service
creating cross-language Trans-European Professional/Subject Metadata/Thesauri
as result of cooperative use of European index
preservation of instant research (information) heritage, including copyright
and citation issues
5.3. Imaging projects at the Dept. of History o f Art at Leiden University
(Dr. John Lew) -
need special computational power and bandwidth for continuing advanced
research and experiments
5.4. Medical images archive at ILRT in Bristol (
New works on images cataloguing, indexing and searching to be undertaken
5.5. Nordic Web Index Project (NWI -
by Scandinavian countries
need high bandwidth and high computer power for creating and maintaining
specially European oriented Web index database periodically updated
5.6. Automated classification projects and work packages by Lund University
Library (Desire2 project - DESIRE / NWI based URN Resolution,,
University of Gent, etc. (IKEM Toolkit -
need big volumes of data and powerful computers to run advanced/extended
classification experiments
5.7. DFN Indexing and Searching projects -
5.8. International Principia Cybernetica Project at Center "Leo Apostel",
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (
- develop new concepts of Learning Web and consciousness transformation
in Information Society
need access to big data repositories to run special computational IA related
6. Cooperation with related Programs/Projects in the World
6.1. DANTE/IST Research Program -
6.2. Internet2 Network Application Program that needs high bandwidth
and high computer resources for pilot implementation of new application
and advanced technological researches in global network applications -
6.3. CANARIE Inc. (
ANAST Funding Programs on Advanced End-to-End Applications and the Advanced
Network Technology that focus on
key technological developments that are needed to support next-generation
Internet networks in the areas of transport and middleware services and
develop the key technological and other developments that are needed to
allow Internet distribution of audio, video and other high performance
6.4. CANARIE Inc. Learning Program announced in effective use of advanced
networks for education and training (repositories for learning objects
or other innovations designed to have a broad-based impact on the education
and training sector).
6.5. Soros Open Society Institute (OSI -
- Regional Internet Program (
for cooperation on extending Center's project on developing countries and
FSU countries
7. Possible/expected interest from other companies
Hewlett-Packard - image handling technologies, indexing, video, data mining
Agilent Technologies (Instrumentation and Analytical/Medical equipment
HP spin-off) - medical images, data object access/indexing/cataloguing
Microsoft - human interface, data visualisation, Databases/Metadata, images/video
Ericsson - Directory, data indexing
Prepared by Yuri Demchenko, October 1999.