Information Revolution and forming Global Information Environment Impact
on main components of National Power and living conditions of social- political
Changing the meaning of knowledge and consciousness in conditions of
Information Revolution
Possible interpretation of Global Consciousness, True, God and Religion
from the point of view of Information Revolution trends
1.1. Background. National power according to Hans Mogenthau
"Politics Among Nations"
National Resources
Industrial Capacity
Military Preparedness
National Character
National Moral
Quality of Democracy
Quality of Government
1.2. National State Guarantees and Function for people
Defence of state and citizens
Social Foundations and Moral
Free development/realisation of personality
Free Initiative realisation - important aspect for saving/keeping active
people linkage to national community
Extending living space (independent of geographical place) - language,
External relations
Living conditions enhancement
Is it right to say that USA live out of it's resources (power, mineral,
Globally taking into account technology producing and exporting it could
be normal
1.3. Will National State die out in conditions of building
Global/Open Information Society
Will IS be Global?
Will Global IS become Open?
Will Open IS demand/need Global State structure?
What new feature National State have to obtain (to merge to)?
What is the stronger stabilising factor - state or transnational industry
corporation involving into production process countries, people and local
which main feature is uninteruptable, development and stability.
1.4. New Possibilities in current situation analysis
We have a big volume of historical way mankind experienced what can help
us to find apply some analogies
Researchers in developing countries and countries with emerging technologies
can compare different formation and production structure - Head in IS via
Internet but legs in industrial or Agricultural Ages
Accustoming new technologies and space - Information Environment
First intuitive philosophy of Information Age are formed now among Technical
Networking IT is the most rapidly developing industry ()
Active specialists (at the age of 30-45 years) now went through all spectrum
of computer technologies
what allow them assume some prognosis and
extract/find global relations
Being on the technological hedge they become the source of new visions
and philosophical ideas
1.5. About National Security, Power and Knowledge (information)
In Knowledge Based Economy new criteria and notions should be applied to
measure National Power and Productivity growth
Applying knowledge to processes and objects
Applying knowledge to knowledge
Knowledge Hierarchy building for knowledge subject/people reproduction
and distribution - Who is on the Top?
BEST EXAMPLE of using knowledge for mutual benefits although initial goals
were different, particularly, donor intended acquire power and increase
security by obtaining allies and against intruders
This is invention of Cyrillic alphabet by Cyrill and Methody in Byzantine
to extend Christianity and Religion/Faith to East Slavic via literacy and
East Slavic peoples had their own literacy already
Cyrillic alphabet in difference from Latin alphabet is more perceptive
- it has more letters which fit better sound character/features of the
Slavic language
Model or growth of National power and Security of Knowledge producers
Always knowledge has intention for dissemination
It prepare market and customer
Establish it's own rules as firstcomer and discoverer
Indirectly secure it's lifestyle and moral
Knowledge is a base for forming consciousness and moral principles
Information processes intensity of American life demands higher moral and
responsibility from people and employees
Very similar to Religion dissemination - via knowledge and their use
Knowledge dissemination assumes building Knowledge Pyramid/Hierarchy that
will provide knowledge development
Rising global responsibility of knowledge producer - Testing, debugging
- Microsoft
High dynamics and long feedback in knowledge distribution and acquisition
KBCo - it's the structure of production, dissemination, testing, maintenance
One of the indication of National Power in KBE is a dynamics of knowledge
production and reproduction
Existence of quick/agile and slow nations
The Age of dynamic knowledge
Knowledge Pyramid Structure
on the top - knowledge or knowledge reproduction tools producer
in the bottom - knowledge implementer that sometimes understand the knowledge
as categorical imperatives
Information Technologies and Knowledge define correspondent social structure
- democracy
1992 - year of Soviet Union destruction
1992 - Internet advent in Soviet Union with Research Communications and
foundation Relcom Company
USA entering in IS and facilitation of IT development up/lift it on the
top of Global Pyramid of Knowledge/IT production and distribution which
is not ruled by old principles
How to find approaches to save Power and Control
Where does treat go from - from inside or external?
1.6. With GII development "Power" doesn't become concentrated
in the center - it becomes distributed
Contradiction between former seem/image of power concentrated in the national
borders and global activity of transnational companies that is increasing
Former centralised state is loosing power and control
Do the need of saving centralised power exist? - For what? What have we
keep/save in new trends?
In KBS the power should survive the main asset of the KBS - knowledge.
How can we do this?
How to keep secure of GII? GII includes telecom infrastructure, information
and prospective knowledge infrastructural components
Does need for centralised power (in What form?) exist - for keeping
order and securing infrastructure and community functioning?
What is the NEW components/objects of power in KBS?
Knowledge production system - KB industry/economy, production management