MUAs Testing results

Product: Netscape Messenger 4.04
URL: Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
Netscape Messenger 4.04
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass (6) Pass (2)      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass (6) Pass (2)      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Fail (3)      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (3) Pass (3) Fail (3)      
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass (3) Pass (3) Fail (3)      
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass Pass Pass (6)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Pass  Pass (7) Pass (7) Maybe      
(2) You can?t change encoding for Cyrillic text when reading message
(3) Composed Cyrillic msg always treated as CP1251 and converted to KOI8-R and v.v. according to built-in table KOI8-R<->CP1251
(4) Send Cyrillic msg only in KOI8-R
(5) Display correctly Messages list if header charset coincide with Selected Document Encoding
(6) KOI8-U encoding reduced to KOI8-R ? miss four ukr. letters (ukr. I, ukr. ii. ukr. ie, ukr. ghe with upturn)
(7) Correctly support only UTF7, UTF8 encoded message contains unconverted non-ASCII text

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator SETUPs and First Examination 

1. Changing Document Encoding when Reading/Displaying message 

    • Western (Latin 1)
    • Central European (ISO)
    • Central European (Windows-1250)
    • Japanese (Auto-Detect)
    • Japanese (Shift_JIS)
    • Lapanese (EUC-JP)
    • Traditional Chinese (Big5)
    • Traditional Chinese (EUTC-TW)
    • Simplified Chinese (GB2312)
    • Korean (Auto-Detect)
    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Cyrillic (ISO8859-5)
    • Cyrillic (Windows-1251)
    • Greek (Iso 8859-7)
    • Greek (Windows-1257)
    • Turkish (ISO 8859-9)
    • Unicode (UTF-8) 
    • Unicode (UTF-7) 
    • User Defined
2. Encoding Setting 

Options>General Preference>Fonts>For the Encoding 

    • Latin1
    • Latin2
    • Japanese
    • Traditional Chinese
    • Simplified Chinese
    • Korean
    • Cyrillic
    • Greek
    • Turkish
    • Unicode (UTF8)
    • User Defined
3. Language Settings 

Options>General Preference>Language>Accept Language 

    • Afrikaans [af]
    • Chinese [zh]
    • Chinese/China [zh-CN]
    • Dutch [nl]
    • English [en]
    • English/United Kingdom [en-GB]
    • English/United States [en-US]
    • French [fr]
    • French/Canada [fr-CA]
    • french/france [fr-FR]
    • German [de]
    • Italian [it]
    • Japanese [ja]
    • Korean [ko]
    • Portuguese/Brasil [pt-BR]
    • Spanish [es]
    • Spanish/Spain [es-ES]
    • Swedish [sv]
    • User define
4. Mail Send 

Edit>Preferences>Mail & Groups>Messages>Send Message that use 8-bit characters 

    • As is 
    • Using the ?quoted prontable? MIME encoding
5. Mail Servers 
    • POP
    • IMAP
6. When sellecting Fonts for the Encoding loading is very slowly!!

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Netscape Messenger 4.04
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator READ 
  1. When displaying/reading message ?Content-Type: text/plain; charset=? attribute used in priority to Vew>Encoding 
  • This sometimes leads to difficulties in reading message when wrong charset parameter is used in message
    • to overcome this you can read message in View>Page Source
  • Note. Overriding parameter is happened only for Cyrillic group. If you select Latin1 or Latin2 display is changed
  • When you change encoding to UTF8, body text disappeares/reduced to some ASCII characters (??)
  1. Forwarded message displayed with its original charset parameter
  2. Subject: for Cyrillic Encodings always is displayed in KOI8-R
  3. When you try to read Cyrillic text with encoding not from Cyrillic group, message body and header are dispalyed in CP1251
OBSERVATION: Netscape Messenger uses internal converting of message text (body) to CP1251 and display it not correctly when changing non-cyrillic Encoding 
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator COMPOSE 
  1. You can change View>Encoding (for Cyrillic) but it doesnt affect message composer display
    • Suggestion: Message Encoding is selected before openning Composer windows
  1. Forwarded message is sent with charset selected before composing
    • There is not completely clear situation when forwarded message (without original charset papameter) is displayed correctly
  1. When Reply: for Cyrillic message text is converted to koi8-r if needed
    • therefore reply on koi8-r message with View-cp1251 cause wrong copbverting - info is lost
    • SUGGESTION. You should keep message charset when Replying
    • Note. The latter is not happened when reply with Latin1 - Excellent!
  1. Composing with Cut & Paste is performed correctly 
  2. Compose with UTF8 and UTF7 has the same Content-Type: text/plain; charset=x-UNICODE-2-0-UTF-7
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator SEND 
  1. Cyrillic message is always converted to KOI8-R when sent (i.e. convertion is happened if needed)
    • That is why when you type text with CP1251 but selected KOI8-R before openning Compose windows, convertion is not aplaied but charset koi8-r is inserted.
    • If you need to type in KOI8-R you should type ?blindly?