MUAs Testing results
Product: Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator
Product Contact:
Environment: FreeBSD, xrus (Rus, Latin), X-Win32 Utility
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-06-30

1. Results of the test
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass Pass Fail (3)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Pass (6) Maybe (6) Fail Fail       
* Setting Language (of 56) for Browser
(2) You can?t change encoding for Cyrillic text when reading message
(3) Use features of current Keyboard
(4) All sent messages have only charset=iso8859-1
(5) Message list displayed only in Latin1
(6) Correctly suport only UTF7

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Netscape Messenger 4.04  SETUPs and First Examination 

1. Language Settings ? No Language Settings 

2. Changing Document Encoding when Reading/Displaying message 

Options>Document Encodings
    • Western (Latin 1)
    • Central European (ISO)
    • Japanese (Auto-Detect)
    • Japanese (Shift_JIS)
    • Japanese (EUC-JP)
    • Traditional Chinese (Big5)
    • Traditional Chinese (EUTC-TW)
    • Simplified Chinese (GB)
    • Korean (EUC-KR)
    • Korean (ISO-2022-KR)
    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Cyrillic (ISO8859-5)
    • Greek (ISO 8859-7)
    • Turkish (ISO 8859-9)
    • User Defined
3. Encoding Setting 

Options>General Preference>Fonts>For the Encoding 

    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Japanese (jis_x0201)
    • Japanese (jis_x0208-1983)
    • Korean (ks_c_5601-1987)
    • Simplified Chinese (gb_2312-80)
    • User Defined 
    • Western (iso-8859-1)
  1. Mail Send 
Edit>Preferences>Mail & Groups>Messages>Send Message that use 8-bit characters 
    • As is 
    • Using the ?quoted prontable? MIME encoding
  1. Mail Servers
    • POP
    • IMAP
  1. Attach file
    • As is
    • Convert to plain text
    • Convert to Postscript

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Netscape Messenger 4.04
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Netscape Messenger 4.04  READ 
  1. When displaying/reading message you can select your own Document Encoding by Vew>Encoding 
  • This sometimes leads to difficulties in reading message when wrong charset parameter is used in message
    • to overcome this you can read message in View>Page Source
  • Note. Overriding parameter is happened only for Cyrillic group. If you select Latin1 or Latin2 display is changed
  • When you change encoding to UTF8, body text disappeares/reduced to some ASCII characters (??)
  1. Forwarded message displayed with its original charset parameter
  2. Subject: for Cyrillic Encodings always is displayed in KOI8-R
  3. When you try to read Cyrillic text with encoding not from Cyrillic group, message body and header are dispalyed in CP1251
OBSERVATION: Netscape Messenger uses internal converting of message text (body) to CP1251 and display it not correctly when changing non-cyrillic Encoding 
Netscape Messanger 4.04  COMPOSE 
  1. You can change View>Encoding (for Cyrillic) but it doesnt affect message composer display
    • Suggestion: Message Encoding is selected before openning Composer windows
  1. Forwarded message is sent with charset selected before composing
    • There is not completely clear situation when forwarded message (without original charset papameter) is displayed correctly
  1. When Reply: for Cyrillic message text is converted to koi8-r if needed
    • therefore reply on koi8-r message with View-cp1251 cause wrong copbverting - info is lost
    • SUGGESTION. You should keep message charset when Replying
    • Note. The latter is not happened when reply with Latin1 - Excellent!
  1. Composing with Cut & Paste is performed correctly 
  2. Compose with UTF8 and UTF7 has the same Content-Type: text/plain; charset=x-UNICODE-2-0-UTF-7
Netscape Messanger 4.04  SEND 
  1. Cyrillic message is always converted to KOI8-R when sent (i.e. convertion is happened if needed)
    • That is why when you type text with CP1251 but selected KOI8-R before openning Compose windows, convertion is not aplaied but charset koi8-r is inserted.
    • If you need to type in KOI8-R you should type ?blindly?