MUAs Testing results

MS Windows Products

Product: Netscape 3.04 Windows 95
Product Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
Netscape Mail 3.04
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Fail (3)      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (3) Pass (3) Fail (3)      
(Replying Copy&  
Pass  Pass (3) Pass (3) Fail (3)      
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass Pass Pass (3)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Pass  Fail Fail Fail       
(2) You can change encoding when reading message
(3) Send Cyrillic only in KOI8-R
(4) Display correctly Messages list if header charset coincide with Selected Document Encoding

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold SETUPs and First Examination 

1. Encoding Setting 

Options>General Preference>Fonts>For the Encoding 
    • Latin1
    • Latin2
    • Japanese
    • Chinese (Big5)
    • Chinese (GB)
    • Korean
    • Cyrillic
    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Greek
    • Turkish
    • Unicode (UTF8)
    • User Defined
2. Changing Document Encoding when Reading/Displaying message  Options>Document Encodings
    • Western (Latin 1)
    • Central European (ISO)
    • Central European (Windows)
    • Japanese (Auto-Detect)
    • Japanese (Shift_JIS)
    • Lapanese (EUC-JP)
    • Traditional Chinese (Big5)
    • Traditional Chinese (EUTC-TW)
    • Simplified Chinese (GB2312)
    • Korean (Auto-Detect)
    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Cyrillic (ISO8859-5)
    • Cyrillic (Windows-1251)
    • Greek (Iso 8859-7)
    • Greek (Windows-1257)
    • Turkish (ISO 8859-9)
    • Unicode (UTF-8) - NOT SUPPORTED
    • User Defined
3. Language Settings 

Options>General Preference>Language>Accept Language 

    • Chinese [zh]
    • Chinese/China [zh-CN]
    • Dutch [nl]
    • English [en]
    • English/United Kingdom [en-GB]
    • English/United States [en-US]
    • French [fr]
    • French/Canada [fr-CA]
    • french/france [fr-FR]
    • German [de]
    • Italian [it]
    • Japanese [ja]
    • Korean [ko]
    • Portuguese/Brasil [pt-BR]
    • Spanish [es]
    • Spanish/Spain [es-ES]
    • Swedish [sv]
    • User define
5. Mail Send and Post 

Option>Mail and News Preferences>Composition>Mail>Send and Post 

    • Allow 8-bit
    • Mime Compliant (Quoted Prontable)
3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold, Pine
Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold READ 
  1. Understand MIME type QP in Subject only if charset parameter in Subject and Option>Document Encoding coinside (match each other) otherwise display ASCII text of QP
  2. When displaying Forwarded message doesn?t accept charset parameter of original message but use current Option>Document Encoding in Mail Reader
  3. Subject in Cyrillic charsets is displayed in KOI8-R if 8-bit characters are used
  4. Subject in QP MIME encoding is displayed correctly if charset parameter in Subject coinsides with current Encoding in Mail Reader
Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold COMPOSE 
  1. Message can be typed only in Encoding that was Selected before openning Message Composition windows
    • Note. When current Encoding is KOI8-R, message is not converted and sent as is.
    • Text in Subject and Address is displayed only in KOI8-R even if you are typing in CP1251 with current encoding Cyrillic Windows
      • However, Address and Subject lines are converted from CP1251 to KOI8-R - Therefore to provide message with right Subject line you should type it ?in blind?
    • Cut&Paste for both Cyrillic encodings is supported 
Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold SEND 
  1. When Sending message Mail Sender converts message to KOI8-R using internal encoding table (originated from RFC 1459)
Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold RECOMMENDATIONS 



Product: Netscape Messenger 4.04
URL: Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
Netscape Messenger 4.04
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass (6) Pass (2)      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass (6) Pass (2)      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Fail (3)      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (3) Pass (3) Fail (3)      
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass (3) Pass (3) Fail (3)      
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass Pass Pass (6)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Pass  Pass (7) Pass (7) Maybe      
(2) You can?t change encoding for Cyrillic text when reading message
(3) Composed Cyrillic msg always treated as CP1251 and converted to KOI8-R and v.v. according to built-in table KOI8-R<->CP1251
(4) Send Cyrillic msg only in KOI8-R
(5) Display correctly Messages list if header charset coincide with Selected Document Encoding
(6) KOI8-U encoding reduced to KOI8-R ? miss four ukr. letters (ukr. I, ukr. ii. ukr. ie, ukr. ghe with upturn)
(7) Correctly support only UTF7, UTF8 encoded message contains unconverted non-ASCII text

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator SETUPs and First Examination 

1. Changing Document Encoding when Reading/Displaying message 

    • Western (Latin 1)
    • Central European (ISO)
    • Central European (Windows-1250)
    • Japanese (Auto-Detect)
    • Japanese (Shift_JIS)
    • Lapanese (EUC-JP)
    • Traditional Chinese (Big5)
    • Traditional Chinese (EUTC-TW)
    • Simplified Chinese (GB2312)
    • Korean (Auto-Detect)
    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Cyrillic (ISO8859-5)
    • Cyrillic (Windows-1251)
    • Greek (Iso 8859-7)
    • Greek (Windows-1257)
    • Turkish (ISO 8859-9)
    • Unicode (UTF-8) 
    • Unicode (UTF-7) 
    • User Defined
2. Encoding Setting 

Options>General Preference>Fonts>For the Encoding 

    • Latin1
    • Latin2
    • Japanese
    • Traditional Chinese
    • Simplified Chinese
    • Korean
    • Cyrillic
    • Greek
    • Turkish
    • Unicode (UTF8)
    • User Defined
3. Language Settings 

Options>General Preference>Language>Accept Language 

    • Afrikaans [af]
    • Chinese [zh]
    • Chinese/China [zh-CN]
    • Dutch [nl]
    • English [en]
    • English/United Kingdom [en-GB]
    • English/United States [en-US]
    • French [fr]
    • French/Canada [fr-CA]
    • french/france [fr-FR]
    • German [de]
    • Italian [it]
    • Japanese [ja]
    • Korean [ko]
    • Portuguese/Brasil [pt-BR]
    • Spanish [es]
    • Spanish/Spain [es-ES]
    • Swedish [sv]
    • User define
4. Mail Send 

Edit>Preferences>Mail & Groups>Messages>Send Message that use 8-bit characters 

    • As is 
    • Using the ?quoted prontable? MIME encoding
5. Mail Servers 
    • POP
    • IMAP
6. When sellecting Fonts for the Encoding loading is very slowly!!

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Netscape Messenger 4.04
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator READ 
  1. When displaying/reading message ?Content-Type: text/plain; charset=? attribute used in priority to Vew>Encoding 
  • This sometimes leads to difficulties in reading message when wrong charset parameter is used in message
    • to overcome this you can read message in View>Page Source
  • Note. Overriding parameter is happened only for Cyrillic group. If you select Latin1 or Latin2 display is changed
  • When you change encoding to UTF8, body text disappeares/reduced to some ASCII characters (??)
  1. Forwarded message displayed with its original charset parameter
  2. Subject: for Cyrillic Encodings always is displayed in KOI8-R
  3. When you try to read Cyrillic text with encoding not from Cyrillic group, message body and header are dispalyed in CP1251
OBSERVATION: Netscape Messenger uses internal converting of message text (body) to CP1251 and display it not correctly when changing non-cyrillic Encoding 
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator COMPOSE 
  1. You can change View>Encoding (for Cyrillic) but it doesnt affect message composer display
    • Suggestion: Message Encoding is selected before openning Composer windows
  1. Forwarded message is sent with charset selected before composing
    • There is not completely clear situation when forwarded message (without original charset papameter) is displayed correctly
  1. When Reply: for Cyrillic message text is converted to koi8-r if needed
    • therefore reply on koi8-r message with View-cp1251 cause wrong copbverting - info is lost
    • SUGGESTION. You should keep message charset when Replying
    • Note. The latter is not happened when reply with Latin1 - Excellent!
  1. Composing with Cut & Paste is performed correctly 
  2. Compose with UTF8 and UTF7 has the same Content-Type: text/plain; charset=x-UNICODE-2-0-UTF-7
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator SEND 
  1. Cyrillic message is always converted to KOI8-R when sent (i.e. convertion is happened if needed)
    • That is why when you type text with CP1251 but selected KOI8-R before openning Compose windows, convertion is not aplaied but charset koi8-r is inserted.
    • If you need to type in KOI8-R you should type ?blindly?


Product: Windows Eudora Lite 3.0
Product Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
Windows Eudora Lite 3.0
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2)      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Fail  Fail  Fail       
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
(Replying Copy&  
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail  Fail Fail Fail      
(2) All features are defined by Fonts Screen and Header (for Printing)
(3) Use only charset=ISO8859-1 when sending message
(4) Text is not readable but is not corrupted when sending and can be read in another MUAs that support necessary encoding and have correspondent fonts

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Windows Eudora Lite 3.0 SETUPs and First Examination 
  1. Only Font settings
  2. MIME Encodings (only for Attachment
  • MIME (QP)
  • BinHex
3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Windows Eudora Lite 3.0
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Windows Eudora Lite 3.0 READ 
  1. Has internal setting only for ISO-8859-1 charset, But you can read/display Cyrillic in CP 1251 or KOI8-R/U depending on Screen Font Settings
  2. Eudora has not means to see message source
  3. Understand MIME-type iso8859-1 in Subj: but doesn?t understand koi8-r 
Windows Eudora Lite 3.0 COMPOSE 

1. Using Font settings

Windows Eudora Lite 3.0 SEND 

1. Only charset=iso8859-1 inserted dependless of composed mesage

Windows Eudora Lite 3.0 RECOMMENDATION

Product: Windows Eudora Pro 3.0

Product Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
Windows Eudora Pro 3.0
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2)      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Fail  Fail  Fail       
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail  Fail Fail Fail      

(2) All features are defined by Fonts Screen and Header (for Printing)
(3) Use only charset=ISO8859-1 when sending message
(4) Text is not readable but is not corrupted when sending and can be read in another MUAs that support necessary encoding and have correspondent fonts

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Windows Eudora Pro 3.0 SETUPs and First Examination 
  1. Only Font settings
  2. MIME Encodings (only for Attachment)
  • MIME (QP)
  • BinHex
  • uuencode
3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Windows Eudora Pro 3.0
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Windows Eudora Pro 3.0 READ 
  1. Has internal setting only for ISO-8859-1 charset, But you can read/display Cyrillic in CP 1251 or KOI8-R/U depending on Screen Font Settings
  2. Eudora has not means to see message source
  3. Understand MIME-type iso8859-1 in Subj: but doesn?t understand koi8-r 
Windows Eudora Pro 3.0 COMPOSE 

1. Using Font settings

Windows Eudora Pro 3.0 SEND 

1. Only charset=iso8859-1 inserted dependless of composed mesage 

Windows Eudora Pro 3.0 RECOMMENDATION

Product: MS Outlook Express 97 for Windows 95
Product Contact:
Environment: Windows 95, PE Language supplement
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-06

1. Results of the test
MS Outlook Express 97 for Windows 95
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass (1) Pass (1) Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass (1) Pass (1) Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (1) Pass (1) Pass      
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass (1) Pass (1) Pass      
Pass  Pass (2) (3) Pass (2) (3) Pass (3)      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass Pass Pass       
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      

(1) You should set remapping between KOI8-R for message encoding and Windows Encoding for displaying message. Message text can be typed only in Windows encoding.
(2) Comment: The same as in (1). You can type additional text in Forwarded message only in Windows encoding
(3) Comment: Don?t change Language/Encoding when forwarding readable message.
(4) You can?t change encoding for Cyrillic text when reading message
(5) Composed Cyrillic msg always treated as CP1251 and converted to KOI8-R
(6) Send Cyrillic msg in selected Encoding
(7) Header field in Message windows sometimes displyed non-correctly
(8) Allow HTML Multipart/Alternative

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
MS Outlook Express,  

Edition November 1997

SETUPs and First Examination (OE without Pan-European Pack) 
  1. TOOLS>STATIONARY>(Mail | News)>Compose Font>Font Settings - Setting up Font for Mail and News compose
    • Allows to choose Font for different Scripts (according to Font Properties)
    • Strange and confusing relations between Font and Script

    • (Script is defined by Font?s Properties, F.E., ER Kurier KOI8-R is displayed as Western only, some Hebrew TTFs - as Symbols) 
      Note. Some fonts used are self-developed
  1. FILE>PROPERTIES>(General | Details) - display message or Mailbox properties
    • Details - display Message header and additionally Message Source
  1. TOOLS>OPTIONS>(General | Send | Read | Spelling?) 
    • Setup Message Format and Encoding - for Sending Messages
    • Fonts Settings for different Alphabets/Languages - for Reading Messages
    • >READ>International Settings - provide Character Set Mapping (F.E., koi8-r -> Ukrainian Alphabet (KOI8-RU))
    • NOT completely CLEAR relations between Character Sets, Languages and Encodings for the MUA
  1. Settings in TOOLS>OPTIONS>SEND: Plain Text Format
    • MIME (None, QP, Base64) + Allow 8-bit characters in header
    • Uuencode
  1. Settings in TOOLS>OPTIONS>SEND: HTML Format
    • MIME (None, QP, Base64) + Allow 8-bit character in header
    • Send pictures with message
  1. Settings in TOOLS>OPTIONS>READ: Font Setting
  • Alphabets 
    • Baltic Alphabet (ISO, Windows)
    • Central European (ISO, Windows)
    • Cyrillic (ISO, Windows, KOI8-R, KOI8-RU)
    • Greek
    • Turkish Alphabet (Turkish Alphabet)
    • Universal Alphabet (UTF-7, UTF-8)
    • User Defined (no options)
    • Western (Western Alphabet - no options)
  1. Spelling settings
    • Language choosing
  1. TOOLS>OPTIONS>Advanced>Login Options 
    • Transport: News, Mail, IMAP
  1. Working with Mail boxes
  • VIEW>Languages (Encodings)
    • Settings from TOOLS>OPTIONS>READ>FONTS
    • Alphabets?
  • Using Languages in VIEW>LANGUAGE is not correct in general because of it?s encoding, also it work and process Messge header tag ?Content-Type: text/plain; charset=KOI8-R?
  1. Composing Message
  • Format>Languages> Alphabets?
  • Plain Text or HTML
11. PE International Pack provides support of Ukrainian Language (KOI8-RU Encoding) 
3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - MS Outlook Express, Edition November 1997
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
MS Outlook Express READING Msg 
  1. Message received in KOI8-R is only viewed properly in Windows encoding although Mailer Reader reads Charset setting of the message.
  2. Not at once switch language after not correct reading and reacting on charset info in message 
    • It reads charset in message KOI8-R but can see only in Windows
    • (strange, but ISO, koi8-r is displayed in Windows too)
  1. Russian Message sent with Format>Language>Cyrillic (KOI8-R):
  • Displayed correctly in OE with VIEW>Language>Cyrillic (KOI8-R) in Body and MSg List BUT not in Message Windows only for Address and Subject 
  • BUT Netscape can not display correctly Message Body - some unrecognised encoding (Viewed source - not Win nor KOI8-R)
  1. QP message from Netscape is displayed in OE only in Cyrillic (Windows) as in case of OE?s own QP message
  2. Message Source in File>Properties show message source in Windows encoding (?)
  3. Message with TAB in Body is displayed without TAB what produce mess
  4. Replied message sent from OE is displayed in Netscape as TABulated 
  5. Message (of Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 11:41:41 +0200)
Message in HTML format is sent in 
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
  • Read by Netscape as MIME text part but
  • by OE as HTML part (?)
    • Sent as CP1251 - displayed as KOI8-R (and v.v.!)
9. Message sent in text format (Western Alpabet, no MIME Encoding. ?As Is?- Note. Text was viewed correctly during composing) 
  • Sent and displayed with ??? instead of 8-bit characters
  • You can see message property by FILE>PROPERTIES>Details
  • The same problem in OE and Netscape (reference MUA)
10. Message sent in UNICODE (Western Alpabet, no MIME Encoding. ?UNICODE -no alternative for UTF-7/UTF-8?- Note. Text was viewed correctly during composing) 
  • Message is MIME multipart/alternative;
  • Displayed correctly in OE
  • Displayed as UTF-8 ASCII strings in Address and Subject but non-ASCII chars are substituted by ????
  • Netscape display - text part of multipart/alternative part
MS Outlook Express COMPOSING 
  1. When starting composing message KBD is switched to KOI8-R or Windows (depending on Format>Languages) - Bad and fixed/obtrusive
  2. When typing text in different fields - KBD settings are changed according to previously/initially used language and encoding - GOOD but fixed/obtrusive
  • Text in Subj and Address can be printed only in Windows CP1251
  1. Forwarded message correctly read only new typed Subject and CP1251 encoded lines/text in Message Body
  • Msg List, Address and Previously KOI8-R encoded Body Part are not readable
  • Netscape can read correctly only CP1251 encoded part of forwarded Message with Windows encoding
  1. Pasting text into MSG Body 
  • You can do it only for KOI8-R text (View>LANG>KOI8-R)
  • If you paste CP1251 text and send in Cyrillic (Windows) you can not read text at all
  • But if you send previous message with Cyrillic (KOI8-R), you?ll be able to read text changing VIEW>Language to Cyrillic (Windows)
  1. When Cut text from composing message in HTML format (containing different formatting and encoding, i.e. CP1251, KOI8-R), and Pasting it into message text is displayed in some (unrecognisable from listed) encoding

  2. After Changing FORMAT>LANGUAGE>? you need to refresh display by means of scrolling (Incredible!) 
    If Paste with ?>Western Alphabet All text is displayed in CP1251 (KOI8-R and CP1251) 
  3. Doesn?t allow to type KOI8-R text in Free address form - only Windows
  4. Format>language>Alphabet changes doesn?t impact currently edited message body

  5. BUT 
    Changes in TOOLS>OPTIONS>READ from HTML to Plain Text in Msg Composer change Lang/Encoding settings 
  • Received message after such changes is dispalyed correctly in subject line in msg list but incorrectly in Address and Subject in msg viewer
  • Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1251"
  • In Netscape it?s viewed with Windows Encoding correctly in body but Subject and Address displayed only with koi8-r TTFs - non-readable
MS Outlook Express SENDING 
  1. TOOLS>OPTIONS>SEND: Plain Text Format>MIME (QP, Allow 8-bit)
  • Message sent - Was proposed to send Message in UNICODE (UTF-8?) or As Is
  • Sent and Received msg with charset="utf-8" - displayed correctly Windows encoded parts (mesg list, address, Subj, Wind part of Body
  • Sent and Received msg with As Is (charset="koi8-r")- displayed correctly (msg list) and KOI8-R encoded part of Body
  • NETSCAPE: MSG with UTF-8 unreadable 

  • BUT with ?koi8-r? readable in KOI8-R only parts that were typed in Windows 
    Ukrainian letters are supported only with PE Pack otherwise - not displayed at all
  1. TOOLS>OPTIONS>SEND: Plain Text Format>MIME (QP, not Allow 8-bit)
  • Message sent without asking UNICODE/As Is
    • Header always encoded with Base64 
  • Again - Subj and Address lines are not readable correctly; KOI8-R part of Body is readable correctly
    • Subj and Address lines are transferred to Windows (?!?!)
  • Again Netscape cad display correctly only that part of Message which were typed in CP1251 
  1. TOOLS>OPTIONS>SEND: Plain Text Format>MIME (Base64, not Allow 8-bit)
    • Header always encoded with Base64 
  • Again - Subj and Address lines are not readable correctly; KOI8-R part of Body is readable correctly
    • Subj and Address lines are transferred to Windows (?!?!)
  • Again Netscape cad display correctly only that part of Message which were typed in CP1251
  1. Netscape - O.K. in Body and BAD in Subj. and Addresses Autohrization is very slowely!!
  2. Problem with Forwarding message from News Reader without Simple MAPI Mailer (??)
  3. Using term ?Languages? in VIEW>LANGUAGE is not correct in general because of it?s encoding, also it work and process Messge header tag ?Content-Type: text/plain; charset=KOI8-R?
  5. There is not possibility to mark messages
  6. OE SOMETIMES display attached docs files if they are *.txt or without extension; *.html, *.htm - are not displayed in message body and processed by loading external browser.
  7. Completely Forwarded mesage is not displayed at all!
  1. You should compose message using Windows Aplhabets/Encodings BUT Select in FORMAT>LANGUAGE>Alphabets? necessary encoding
  2. Suggestion. OE use internal mapping regarding CP1251 and Unicode
  3. To setup support of KOI8-U you should download Pan-European Pack (supporting KOI8-RU as Ukrainian Language)


Product: Pegasus Mail
Product Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
Pegasus Mail
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass Pass  Pass  Pass       
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass (2) (3)  Pass (2) (3)  Pass (2) (3)       
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (2) (3)  Pass (2) (3)  Pass (2) (3)       
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass (6) Pass (6) Pass (6) Pass (6)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail  Fail Fail Fail      
(2) All multilingual features depends on Font setiings (need to switch language for each message)
(3) Use only charset=ISO8859-1 when sending message
(4) Text is not readable but is not corrupted when sending and can be read in another MUAs that support necessary encoding and have correspondent fonts
(5) Can not read QP in Header
(6) Correspondent keyboard is necessary

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Pegasus Mail  SETUPs and First Examination 
  • >LANG> can add language and 

  • set up fonts (for Browser, Message Body, Message List, Message Subject, Printer) in >FONTS> for different Languages
  1. MESSAGE >Language allows to set up default langauge for message body
  2. Use only systems Fonts and don?t provide any encoding
  3. Oriented mainly on English
  4. Don?t understand QP and MIME

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Pegasus Mail
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Pegasus Mail READ 
  1. Need to switch Message>language for each message
  2. Problems with Displaying Subject in Russian
  3. Use font setting for Message List and Message Subject only for default language English

  4. but MESSAGE >Language choice works properly message body 
  5. Message body first displayed with default language but you can switch language for current message by MESSAGE >Language
  6. Can not read QP in Message header
  7. Doen?t display Cyrillic KOI8-R in Subject in Mesage Windows, although can display KOI8-R text depending on set font
Pegasus Mail COMPOSE 
  1. Can type message body in selected language using KBD
  2. Can not type Subject in lang except Windows
  3. Don?t allow to use free address form
Pegasus Mail SEND 
  1. Send As Is
  2. No Option/MIME for Send 


Product: Forte Agent
Product Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
Forte Agent
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass (5) Pass (5) Pass (5) Pass (5)      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass (2) (3)  Pass (2) (3)  Pass (2) (3)       
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (2) (3)  Pass (2) (3)  Pass (2) (3)       
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass (3)  Pass (3)  Pass (3)       
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass (6) Pass (6) Pass (6) Pass (6)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail  Fail Fail Fail      
* You can add language and setup default Lang and correspondent fonts
(2) All multilingual features depends on Font setiings for Message >Language (need to switch language for each message)
(3) Use only charset=ISO8859-1 when sending message
(4) Text is not readable but is not corrupted when sending and can be read in another MUAs that support necessary encoding and have correspondent fonts
(5) Can not read QP in Header
(6) Correspondent keyboard is necessary

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Forte Agent  SETUPs and First Examination 
  • >LANG> can add language and 

  • set up fonts (for Browser, Message Body, Message List, Message Subject, Printer) in >FONTS> for different Languages
  1. MESSAGE >Language allows to set up default langauge for message body
  2. Use only systems Fonts and don?t provide any encoding
  3. Oriented mainly on English
  4. Don?t understand QP and MIME
3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Forte Free Agent
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Forte Free Agent READ 
  1. Need to switch Message>language for each message
  2. Problems with Displaying Subject in Russian
  3. Use font setting for Message List and Message Subject only for default language English

  4. but MESSAGE >Language choice works properly message body 
  5. Message body first displayed with default language but you can switch language for current message by MESSAGE >Language
  6. Can not read QP in Message header
Forte Free Agent COMPOSE 
  1. Can type message body in selected language using KBD
  2. Can not type Subject in lang except Windows
  3. Don?t allow to use free address form
Forte Free Agent SEND 
  1. Send As Is
  2. No Option/MIME for Send 

Product: ESYS Simeon 4.01
Product Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
ESYS Simeon 4.01
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Fail Fail Fail      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Fail Fail Fail      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Fail Fail Fail      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Fail Fail Fail      
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Fail Fail Fail      
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass (3) Fail (3) Fail (3) Fail (3)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail  Fail Fail Fail       
(2) Allow font setting for different fields and services
(3) Reduce typed 8-bit characters to 7-bit
(4) When Send/Receive can corrupt message based on wrong interpretation of 8 bit chars in Header and Body

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
ESYS Simeon 4.1 Alpha 8  SETUPs and First Examination 
  1. Has internal setting only for ISO-8859-1 charset 
  2. Allow setting of Fonts for differents filds, folder and parts of message (windows) - but doen?t work yet
  3. Simeon has not means to see message source
  4. Doen?t Understand MIME-types and has not any settings

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - ESYS Simeon 4.1 Alpha 8
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
IMAP Server: Cyrus IMAP4 v1.5.2
ESYS Simeon 4.1 Alpha 8 READ 
  1. Doen?t Understand MIME-types and has not any settings
  2. In Tools>Options>Edit 
  • you should have possibility to use Copy/Cut&Paste for editing fileds
  • when trying to change >Font ->Default Simeon is detect wrong characters
ESYS Simeon 4.1 Alpha 8 COMPOSE 
  1. In Compose windows you should have possibility to use Copy&Paste functions (!)
  2. Simeon doesn?t allow to type message text in Russian, Ukrainian - nothing even similar to typed text - ASCII characters displayed have not visible relation to typed text from std Rus/Ukr KBD
  • Pasted Russian text from Windows in CP1251 is displayed in ISO 8859-5 like characters
  • Received message is not displayed fully 
    • Reference MUA display full message 
    • Text typed with CAPS Lock truncated or not displayed fully
    • Pasted Russian text from Windows in CP1251 is not displayed at all
    • Scroll for long line can be active only after stretching windows and shrinking Viewer window
  1. Problems with 8 bit text in Subject line
  • you can type Russian in Subject line but text is displayed in ISO Cyr chars
    • NOTE. Main used for Ukrainian and Russian language Cyrillic charset/encoding is Windows CP1251 and KOI8-R/U
ESYS Simeon 4.1 Alpha 8 SEND 
  1. When sending insert only charset=iso8859-1
  2. Sent and received message has 8-bit information (encoded in Quoted Printable -QP) but moved to message body
    • Suggestion 1: message composer/compiler accept first/second 8-bit char as command or separator
    • Suggestion 2: MIME type in Subject line is used not correctly (see RFC 822, 2045-2049)

Product: The Bat!
Product Contact:
Environment: Windows 95
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-03

1. Results of the test
The Bat!
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Fail (3)      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass (3) Pass (3) Pass (3)      
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail Fail Fail Fail       
(1) Can change only Language of Interface
(2) All Multilingual Features depend on Font Settings and keyboard
(3) Insert only charset=iso8859-1in Body and Headers
(4) The Bat! can not change encoding n the fly ? uses current encoding for reading message

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
The Bat!  SETUPs and First Examination 
  1. Can setup only Font 
  2. Can Change Interface Language
    • Interface Language
    • English 
    • Russian
    • Ukrainian
    • Romanian
    • Polish
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Dutch
    • Swedish
    • Lithuanian
  1. For Cyrillic: Translation (DOS-866, KOI8-WIN, WIN-KOI8)
  2. Attached document Encoding
  • MIME Base64
  • uuencode

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - The Bat!
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
The Bat! READ 
  1. Receive messages very slowly - one by one
  2. Message body displayed with set font but can be trslated to KOI8-R
  3. QP and Base64 in Header is treated only as CP1251
  4. Cyrillic is displayed in Message Windows and List of messages
  1. Can type message body and header in selected language/encoding using KBD
  2. Can not display and type Subject and Address in lang except Windows (8 bit chars are treated as CP1251 only)
  3. The Bat! can not change encoding n the fly - uses entering settings.
The Bat! SEND 
  1. Body Send As Is but Header is converted to MIME encoding
  2. Option/MIME for Send 8 bit characters - QP, Base64
  3. But insert only charset=iso8859-1


Product: Pine
Product Contact:
Environment: FreeBSD 2.2
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-06

1. Results of the test
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Pass       
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
Pass (6) Pass (6) Pass (6) Pass (6)      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Pass  Fail Fail Fail       
(2) Depends on Terminal Settings
(3) Only Text displayed
(4) Unrecognised charset?s are treated according to charset setting
(5) Don?t understand MIME (QP, B) in B, S, A
(6) Attached images are rejected

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Pine (FreeBSD 2.2.6) SETUPs and First Examination 
    • enable 8-bit esmtp negotiation
    • enable 8-bit nntp posting
  1. ML support is defined by Font setting in Telnet/Terminal programs (Telnet, F-Ecure SSH)
  2. Allow charset setting: character-set
  3. Allow speller linking
  4. Don?t depend ot LOCALE (?)
setenv LANG ru_RU.KOI8-R 



3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Pine (FreeBSD 2.2.6)
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Pine READ 
  1. Depends on Font settings in Telnet/Terminal
  2. Unrecognised charsets are treated according MUA options settings for charset
  3. Don?t understand MIME (QP, Base64) in message Body, Subject and Address fields
  1. Can type Message ADDRESS, SUBJECT,BODY in language and encoding supported by terminal Program/Station and KBD
Pine SEND 
  1. Send As Is if 
    • enable 8-bit esmtp negotiation
  1. When repeating use original message charset (?) or own setting


Product: Elm
Product Contact:
Environment: FreeBSD 2.2
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-06

1. Results of the test
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Pass       
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
Pass (6) Pass (6) Pass (6) Pass (6)      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Pass  Fail Fail Fail       
(2) Depends on Terminal Settings
(3) Only Text displayed. Also can reduct 8 bitchars to ASCII
(4) Displaying and processing of message text depends on SETENV and LOCALE. Otherwise display unknown charset in ????
(5) Reject images from forwarded message. However, leave undisplayed characters in original message
(6) Attached images are rejected
(7) Don?t understand MIME (QP, B) in B, S, A

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Elm (FreeBSD 2.2.6) SETUPs and First Examination 
    • enable 8-bit esmtp negotiation
    • enable 8-bit nntp posting
  1. ML support is defined by Font setting in Telnet/Terminal programs (Telnet, F-Secure SSH)
  2. Notes: 
  • Level of user: beginning, intermediate, expert
  1. Setting User?s Environment variables that affect language and charset preferences
# Uncomment this two lines to activate Russian locale 
setenv LANG ru_RU.KOI8-R 
# Uncomment this two lines to activate Italian locale 
# setenv LANG it_IT.ISO_8859-1 
# setenv MM_CHARSET ISO-8859-1 
# For full locales list check /usr/share/locale/* 

ls /usr/share/locale/ 
ascii fr_CH.ISO_8859-1 nl_NL.ISO_8859-1  
da_DK.ISO_8859-1 fr_FR.ISO_8859-1 no_NO.ISO_8859-1  
de_AT.ISO_8859-1 hr_HR.ISO_8859-2 pl_PL.ISO_8859-2  
de_CH.ISO_8859-1 is_IS.ISO_8859-1 pt_PT.ISO_8859-1  
de_DE.ISO_8859-1 it_CH.ISO_8859-1 ru_RU.CP866  
en_AU.ISO_8859-1 it_IT.ISO_8859-1 ru_RU.KOI8-R  
en_CA.ISO_8859-1 ja_JP.EUC ru_SU.CP866  
en_GB.ISO_8859-1 ja_JP.SJIS ru_SU.KOI8-R  
en_US.ISO_8859-1 ko_KR.EUC sl_SI.ISO_8859-2  
es_ES.ISO_8859-1 lt_LN.ASCII sv_SE.ISO_8859-1  
fi_FI.ISO_8859-1 lt_LN.ISO_8859-1 us-ascii  
fr_BE.ISO_8859-1 lt_LN.ISO_8859-2  
fr_CA.ISO_8859-1 nl_BE.ISO_8859-1

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA ? Elm (FreeBSD)
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
  1. Language/charset support and keyboard/mapping depends Depends on Font settings in Telnet/Terminal
  2. Unsupported charset is filtered to ASCII
    • You can view it according to Terminal settings (command v)
  1. Unknown 8-bit charset is substituted by question marks ?????? (?)
  1. Can type Message ADDRESS, SUBJECT,BODY in language and encoding supported by terminal Program/Station and KBD
  2. When typing with uninstalled setenv for RU.KOI8-R you can see typed text reduced/filtered to ASCII
  • But Charset in header is set again to koi8-r
  1. Reply display KOI8-R or it?s reduction to ASCII
  1. Send As Is if 
    • enable 8-bit esmtp negotiation
  1. Send as is but not display unknown characters

Product: mh
Product Contact:
Environment: FreeBSD 2.2
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-06

1. Results of the test
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Pass       
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
Pass  Pass Pass  Pass       
(Typing on kbd)
Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2) Pass (2)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail  Fail Fail Fail       
(2) Depends on Terminal Settings
(3) Only Text displayed.

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
mh SETUPs and First Examination 


  • enable 8-bit esmtp negotiation
  • enable 8-bit nntp posting
2. ML support is defined by Font setting in Telnet/Terminal programs (Telnet, F-Ecure SSH) 

3. Allow charset setting: character-set 

4. Don?t depend ot LOCALE (?) 

setenv LANG ru_RU.KOI8-R 



3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - mh
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
mh READ 
  1. Need to switch Message>language for each message
  2. Problems with Displaying Subject in Russian
  3. Use font setting for Message List and Message Subject only for default language English

  4. but MESSAGE >Language choice works properly message body 
  5. Message body first displayed with default language but you can switch language for current message by MESSAGE >Language
  6. Can not read QP in Message header
  1. Can type message body in selected language using KBD
mh SEND 
  1. Send As Is


Product: exmh
Product Contact:
Environment: FreeBSD, xrus (Rus, Latin), X-Win32 Utility
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-06-30

1. Results of the test
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass (5) Pass (5) Pass (5)      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass  Pass  Pass       
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass Pass Pass (3)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail  Fail Fail Fail       
(2) Message text displayed in message Windows (including MIME encoded strings in Header) according to Font Setting
(3) Use current Keyboard mapping support
(4) Include charset tag acoording to selected Font/encoding
(5) Don?t understand MIME in header
(6) Cannot change encoding for displayed message

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
exmh SETUPs and First Examination 
  1. Preferences>Simple Editor>
    • >Specify Charset for text
    • > 8 bit character set: ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-2, ISO 8859-8, koi8-r
    • > Quoted printable default: automatic, always, never
2. Preferences>Fonts>Font Selection> encoding (depend on available fonts) 
    • 1
    • 8
    • dectech
    • fontspesific
    • irv
    • r
    • u
  1. Preferences>Fonts>Font Selection> for widget:
  • font
  • Button.font
  • Entry.font
  • label.font
  • message.font
  • listbos.font
  • text.font
  • fl_.font
  • Ftoc*text.font
  • msg.*text.font
  • Sedit*text.font
  1. Enable MIME display
3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA ? exmh (FreeBSD 2.2.6 + Micro X-Win32)
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Environment: start: exmh&, xrus, X-Win32 Utility:

xrus (Rus, Latin) - Mapping (Ya (alt map, koi8 map, iso map xcyr map), Jc (alt map, koi8 map, iso map xcyr map, cp1251 map)
X-Win32 Utility: Keyboard>Select>U.S.English Keyboard
exmh READ 
  1. Messages List doesn?t display non-ASCII QP or Base64 but display 8-bit chars (according to selected Font/Encoding)
  2. Message Windows translate MIME Headers from MIME
  3. Message text displayed in proper manner for KOI8-R (Suggestion. Depend on LOCALE and SETENV) but not for CP1251 and doesn?t depend on font change
  4. No special encoding settings except Font change for the encoding and widgets
  5. Cannot view images without special program (to be test)
  1. Can type and send Cyrillic text in KOI8-R (according to Keyboard support)
exmh SEND 
  1. Send Message as is in body and doesn?t dismiss non-displayable characters


Product: Netscape 3.01 for X Windows
Product contact:
Environment: FreeBSD, xrus (Rus, Latin), X-Win32 Utility
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-06-30

1. Results of the test
Netscape 3.01 for X Windows
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass Pass Fail (3)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Fail Fail Fail Fail       
* Setting Language (of 56) for Browser
(2) You can?t change encoding for Cyrillic text when reading message
(3) Use features of current Keyboard
(4) All sent messages have only charset=iso8859-1
(5) Message list displayed only in Latin1

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Netscape Mail 3.04  SETUPs and First Examination 
  1. Language Settings - No Language Settings
  2. Encoding Setting
Options>General Preference>Fonts>For the Encoding 
    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Japanese (jis_x0201)
    • Japanese (jis_x0208-1983)
    • Korean (ks_c_5601-1987)
    • Simplified Chinese (gb_2312-80)
    • User Defined 
    • Western (iso-8859-1)
  1. Changing Document Encoding when Reading/Displaying message 
Options>Document Encodings
    • Western (Latin 1)
    • Central European (ISO)
    • Japanese (Auto-Detect)
    • Japanese (Shift_JIS)
    • Japanese (EUC-JP)
    • Traditional Chinese (Big5)
    • Traditional Chinese (EUTC-TW)
    • Simplified Chinese (GB)
    • Korean (EUC-KR)
    • Korean (ISO-2022-KR)
    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Cyrillic (ISO8859-5)
    • Greek (ISO 8859-7)
    • Turkish (ISO 8859-9)
    • User Defined
  1. Mail Send and Post 
Option>Mail and News Preferences>Composition>Mail>Send and Post 
    • Allow 8-bit
    • Mime Compliant (Quoted Prontable)
  1. For the KOI8-R encoding only Fonts that have KOI8-R encoding parameter can be set/selected
  2. CP 1251 and KOI8-U fonts can be installed only for User Defined Encoding
  3. Attache file
    • As is
    • Convert to plain text 
    • Convert to Postscript

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Environment: FreeBSD, X-Win32, X-Win32 Util (Keyboard USA Englis), xrus (Jc koi8 map for keyboard)
Netscape Mail 3.04 READ 
  1. Understand MIME type QP in Subject only if charset parameter in Subject and Option>Document Encoding coinside (match each other) otherwise display ASCII text of QP
  2. When displaying Forwarded message doesn?t accept charset parameter of original message but use current Option>Document Encoding in Mail Reader
  3. KOI8-R text in message Header and Body are displayed correctly with KOI8-R DocEncoding in message window and diplayed only with Latin 1 in messages list
  4. message in CP 1251 can be read with User Defined Encoding and correcpondent fonts 
  5. Subject in QP MIME encoding is displayed correctly if charset parameter in Subject coinsides with current Encoding in Mail Reader
  6. Characters that are not displayed by current font are saved and transferred and can read in other viewer and/or MUA
  7. When using QP MIME encoding for Header - messages list is displayed in default charset but message body display ASCII text of QP text
Netscape Mail 3.04 COMPOSE 
  1. Message can be typed only in Encoding that was Selected before openning Message Composition windows
    • Text in Subject and Address are displayed only in default (i.e. Latin1) charset
    • Copy/Cut&Paste from/for Header fields are not supported from keyboard and from Edit menu
  1. Can not type in current KOI8-R (when using xrus utilityfor support Russian KOI8-R keyboard)
  • But you can type ?in blind? - It?s display problem!
  1. When Reply/Forward some charscters are warned not supported and to be discarded
Netscape Mail 3.04 SEND 
  1. When Sending message Mail Sender is not converted to other default encoding (F.E., KOI8-R) doesn?t use internal encoding table 
  2. When send only one (default) charset type is used charset=iso-8859-1, particularly when senbding in KOI8-R
Suggestion. It is useful to give user possibility to choose default encoding for composition and sending
Netscape Mail 3.04 RECOMMENDATIONS


Product: Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator
Product Contact:
Environment: FreeBSD, xrus (Rus, Latin), X-Win32 Utility
Test date: 1998-03, 1998-06-30

1. Results of the test
Netscape Messanger 4.04 Communicator
ISO 8859-1  
Latin 1
Cyrillic CP1251
ISO 8859-2 
Latin 2
ISO 8859-4 
Scandinavian/ Baltic
test-1 (Displaying) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
test-2 (Printing) Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Replying with non-ASCII A, S)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
(Replying with non-ASCII Body)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
(Replying Copy& Paste)
Pass  Pass Pass Maybe      
Pass  Pass Pass Pass      
(Typing on kbd)
Pass  Pass Pass Fail (3)      
(Exch non-ASCII default) 
Pass (6) Maybe (6) Fail Fail       
* Setting Language (of 56) for Browser
(2) You can?t change encoding for Cyrillic text when reading message
(3) Use features of current Keyboard
(4) All sent messages have only charset=iso8859-1
(5) Message list displayed only in Latin1
(6) Correctly suport only UTF7

2. Examination of Multilingual features of Mail User?s Agents
Netscape Messenger 4.04  SETUPs and First Examination 

1. Language Settings ? No Language Settings 

2. Changing Document Encoding when Reading/Displaying message 

Options>Document Encodings
    • Western (Latin 1)
    • Central European (ISO)
    • Japanese (Auto-Detect)
    • Japanese (Shift_JIS)
    • Japanese (EUC-JP)
    • Traditional Chinese (Big5)
    • Traditional Chinese (EUTC-TW)
    • Simplified Chinese (GB)
    • Korean (EUC-KR)
    • Korean (ISO-2022-KR)
    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Cyrillic (ISO8859-5)
    • Greek (ISO 8859-7)
    • Turkish (ISO 8859-9)
    • User Defined
3. Encoding Setting 

Options>General Preference>Fonts>For the Encoding 

    • Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
    • Japanese (jis_x0201)
    • Japanese (jis_x0208-1983)
    • Korean (ks_c_5601-1987)
    • Simplified Chinese (gb_2312-80)
    • User Defined 
    • Western (iso-8859-1)
  1. Mail Send 
Edit>Preferences>Mail & Groups>Messages>Send Message that use 8-bit characters 
    • As is 
    • Using the ?quoted prontable? MIME encoding
  1. Mail Servers
    • POP
    • IMAP
  1. Attach file
    • As is
    • Convert to plain text
    • Convert to Postscript

3. Free form documenting of testing process

Tested MUA - Netscape Messenger 4.04
Reference MUA - Netscape Mail 3.01 Gold
Netscape Messenger 4.04  READ 
  1. When displaying/reading message you can select your own Document Encoding by Vew>Encoding 
  • This sometimes leads to difficulties in reading message when wrong charset parameter is used in message
    • to overcome this you can read message in View>Page Source
  • Note. Overriding parameter is happened only for Cyrillic group. If you select Latin1 or Latin2 display is changed
  • When you change encoding to UTF8, body text disappeares/reduced to some ASCII characters (??)
  1. Forwarded message displayed with its original charset parameter
  2. Subject: for Cyrillic Encodings always is displayed in KOI8-R
  3. When you try to read Cyrillic text with encoding not from Cyrillic group, message body and header are dispalyed in CP1251
OBSERVATION: Netscape Messenger uses internal converting of message text (body) to CP1251 and display it not correctly when changing non-cyrillic Encoding 
Netscape Messanger 4.04  COMPOSE 
  1. You can change View>Encoding (for Cyrillic) but it doesnt affect message composer display
    • Suggestion: Message Encoding is selected before openning Composer windows
  1. Forwarded message is sent with charset selected before composing
    • There is not completely clear situation when forwarded message (without original charset papameter) is displayed correctly
  1. When Reply: for Cyrillic message text is converted to koi8-r if needed
    • therefore reply on koi8-r message with View-cp1251 cause wrong copbverting - info is lost
    • SUGGESTION. You should keep message charset when Replying
    • Note. The latter is not happened when reply with Latin1 - Excellent!
  1. Composing with Cut & Paste is performed correctly 
  2. Compose with UTF8 and UTF7 has the same Content-Type: text/plain; charset=x-UNICODE-2-0-UTF-7
Netscape Messanger 4.04  SEND 
  1. Cyrillic message is always converted to KOI8-R when sent (i.e. convertion is happened if needed)
    • That is why when you type text with CP1251 but selected KOI8-R before openning Compose windows, convertion is not aplaied but charset koi8-r is inserted.
    • If you need to type in KOI8-R you should type ?blindly?