TOEIC Part V Questions (6)

General Directions

This is a test of your ability to use the English language. The total time for the test is approximately two hours. It is divided into seven parts. Each part of the test begins with a set of specific directions that include sample questions. Be sure you understand what you are to do before you begin work on a part.

You will find that some of the questions are harder than others, but you should try to answer every one. There is no penalty for guessing. Do not be concerned if you cannot answer all of the questions.

Do not mark your answers in this test book. You must put all of your answers on the separate answer sheet that you have been given. When putting your answer to a question on your answer sheet, be sure to fill in (blacken completely with pencil) the answer space corresponding to the letter of your choice. Make your answer marks on the answer sheet dark and heavy, as shown in the next page.

Cairo is the capital of _____.

(A) Egypt
(B) Indonesia
(C) Peru
(D) Canada

Sample Answer


Since Cairo is the capital of Egypt, the correct answer is (A). Therefore you would fill in (blacken) space A. Notice how this has been done for the example given.

Mark only one answer for each question. If you change your mind about an answer after you have marked it on your answer sheet, completely erase your old answer and then mark your new answer. You must mark the answer sheet carefully so that the test-scoring machine can accurately record your test score.

Part V
Directions: Question 101-140 are incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (1), (2), (3), (4), are given beneath each sentence. You are to chose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


If John needs a pencil, he can use one _____.

1) of me
2) my
3) mine
4) of mine

Sample Answer


In English, the sentence should read, "If John needs a pencil, he can use one of mine." Therefore you should choose (4).

As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on the problems.

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. We eat our dinner _____.
    1) at 6 and 8
    2) between 6 and 8
    3) from 6 still 8
    4) around 6 and 8
  2. I have two brothers. One is a doctor, and _____ is a professor.
    1) another
    2) other
    3) the other
    4) one
  3. One of the most important abilities a teacher must have is _____ his students' levels of ability.
    1) understandably
    2) understanding
    3) understand
    4) understandingly
  4. There are several overseas positions available, and if you want _____ you had better let us know as soon as possible.
    1) one
    2) each
    3) it
    4) any
  5. That copying machine _____ out of order when I tried to use this morning.
    1) are
    2) has
    3) is
    4) was
  6. According to today's paper, _____ between management and the union are not going well.
    1) negotiations
    2) arguments
    3) statements
    4) investigations
  7. There was a sharp rise in the value of the yen _____ a decrease in export sales.
    1) resulting in
    2) caused by
    3) intending to
    4) according to
  8. The presence of skilled workers and low priced raw materials, _____ are necessary for efficient factories, make this a good investment.
    1) all of which
    2) each
    3) all of them
    4) both of which
  9. His lunch is very simple: _____ sandwich and a cup of coffee.
    1) an item of
    2) a piece of
    3) some
    4) a
  10. _____ the workers in my company work overtime at least twice a week.
    1) Almost
    2) At most
    3) Most
    4) Almost all
  11. _____ workers have to work overtime on Fridays.
    1) Almost
    2) Most
    3) Every
    4) Most of
  12. Yesterday was the coldest day _____ has been recorded in 50 years.
    1) ever
    2) as
    3) that
    4) since
  13. This research center _____ for the purpose of improving medical treatment for cancer.
    1) was founded
    2) founded
    3) is founding
    4) founding
  14. Though we cannot see each other for a while, please keep in _____ with me.
    1) touch
    2) writing
    3) visiting
    4) correspondence
  15. The local government has plans to _____ some land from the bay.
    1) retire
    2) revise
    3) return
    4) reclaim
  16. My boss _____ me to go to New York on business.
    1) ordered
    2) demanded
    3) inquired
    4) informed
  17. Investigation of plane accidents requires a _____ in that field.
    1) specialist
    2) specially
    3) special
    4) especially
  18. We are ready to _____ with the meeting because all members are here.
    1) proceed
    2) recede
    3) precede
    4) intercede
  19. If you think I'm going to apologize to him, you're talking to the wrong _____.
    1) personnel
    2) person
    3) people
    4) ones
  20. Mr. Baker was asked to _____ that project because of his experience working in Britain.
    1) undertake
    2) undergo
    3) understand
    4) undervalue
  21. The company _____ the right to change the prices without prior notification.
    1) insists
    2) intends
    3) admits
    4) reserves
  22. After all of your _____ has been used up, visit my office for another prescription.
    1) illness
    2) medicine
    3) vaccination
    4) doctor
  23. If the book is already checked out of the library, you may put in a request to _____ it.
    1) require
    2) reserve
    3) inspect
    4) preserve
  24. That trader was _____ for fraud in using his inside knowledge to make illegal profits on the stock market.
    1) predicted
    2) indicted
    3) interdicted
    4) contradicted
  25. The price of gas has _____ by more than 10% last year.
    1) deflated
    2) downed
    3) descended
    4) decreased

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao