TOEIC Part V Questions (14)

General Directions

This is a test of your ability to use the English language. The total time for the test is approximately two hours. It is divided into seven parts. Each part of the test begins with a set of specific directions that include sample questions. Be sure you understand what you are to do before you begin work on a part.

You will find that some of the questions are harder than others, but you should try to answer every one. There is no penalty for guessing. Do not be concerned if you cannot answer all of the questions.

Do not mark your answers in this test book. You must put all of your answers on the separate answer sheet that you have been given. When putting your answer to a question on your answer sheet, be sure to fill in (blacken completely with pencil) the answer space corresponding to the letter of your choice. Make your answer marks on the answer sheet dark and heavy, as shown in the next page.

Cairo is the capital of _____.

(A) Egypt
(B) Indonesia
(C) Peru
(D) Canada

Sample Answer


Since Cairo is the capital of Egypt, the correct answer is (A). Therefore you would fill in (blacken) space A. Notice how this has been done for the example given.

Mark only one answer for each question. If you change your mind about an answer after you have marked it on your answer sheet, completely erase your old answer and then mark your new answer. You must mark the answer sheet carefully so that the test-scoring machine can accurately record your test score.

Part V
Directions: Question 101-140 are incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (1), (2), (3), (4), are given beneath each sentence. You are to chose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


If John needs a pencil, he can use one _____.

1) of me
2) my
3) mine
4) of mine

Sample Answer


In English, the sentence should read, "If John needs a pencil, he can use one of mine." Therefore you should choose (4).

As soon as you understand the directions, begin work on the problems.

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. We want to see Bob, but he _____ on the phone.
    1) talks
    2) is talking
    3) talking
    4) talked
  2. Mary and Tom _____ over coffee when Mr. Johnson arrived.
    1) talked
    2) are talking
    3) were talked
    4) were talking
  3. After we _____ all these papers, we can go home.
    1) are typing
    2) will type
    3) type
    4) typed
  4. Joan is accustomed to _____ very spicy food.
    1) eating
    2) eat
    3) eats
    4) eaten
  5. My boss insisted that his secretary _____ to the office on time.
    1) comes
    2) come
    3) came
    4) to come
  6. Mary likes the blouses in _____ store.
    1) a
    2) these
    3) some
    4) that
  7. Her boss told _____ to clean his room.
    1) she
    2) to her
    3) her
    4) for her
  8. New York is a city _____.
    1) where live many business people.
    2) that many business people live
    3) which many business people live there
    4) where many business people live
  9. I like to have _____ trees in front of windows so that people cannot look in.
    1) any
    2) a little
    3) a few
    4) few
  10. If my sister _____ her umbrella yesterday, she wouldn't have gotten wet.
    1) had
    2) has had
    3) was had
    4) had had
  11. _____ John busy every day?
    1) Does
    2) Will
    3) Is
    4) Has
  12. One of my sister's friends _____ from college next summer.
    1) are going to graduate
    2) graduate
    3) graduating
    4) is going to graduate
  13. You are _____ size ____ my son.
    1) more ... than
    2) as ... as
    3) so ... as
    4) the same ... as
  14. When I ran into Kathy a month ago, we _____ each other in more than five years.
    1) didn't see
    2) saw
    3) hadn't seen
    4) has seen
  15. My wife has her hair _____ at the beauty shop every other month.
    1) do
    2) to do
    3) done
    4) doing
  16. I know several engineers from _____.
    1) England
    2) the England
    3) an England
    4) English
  17. Everyone _____ to swim when it is hot.
    1) likes
    2) liking
    3) like
    4) are liking
  18. My parents live in Idaho. They _____ there since 1955.
    1) lived
    2) lives
    3) is living
    4) have lived
  19. I'm terribly sorry about _____ that appointment.
    1) forgetting
    2) to forget
    3) forgotten
    4) forget
  20. Ms. Williams looks very tired. She _____ last night.
    1) must not have slept
    2) had to sleep
    3) didn't have to sleep
    4) must have slept
  21. I will buy a bottle of _____ at the liquor store near the station.
    1) wine
    2) wines
    3) the wine
    4) a wine
  22. Our train _____ late last night.
    1) had arrived
    2) has arrived
    3) was arriving
    4) arrived
  23. We planned _____ our friends at the airport.
    1) to meet
    2) met
    3) meet
    4) meeting
  24. Nobody likes _____ bad news.
    1) to be tell
    2) to be told
    3) be told
    4) tell
  25. I wish I _____ enough money to buy that house.
    1) had
    2) was having
    3) have
    4) will have

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao