Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

Sturucture (5)

Directions: The questions here test your knowledge of the grammatical structure of English. Each question consists of a short written conversation, part of which has been omitted. Four words or phrases, labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation. You are to choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation. Click the answer button to see the correct answer. If you need a hint, press the arrow button next to the hint.

Look at the example.

"Why do you always want to use _____ pens?"

1) to one
2) of my
3) that my
4) one of my

We would say: "Why do you always want to use one of my pens?" Therefore you should press "4."

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. He coughs a lot. I have advised him _____ smoking.
    1) give up
    2) giving up
    3) to give up
    4) to giving up

  2. "What would you like to do this summer?"
    "I'd like to _____ swimming every day."
    1) do
    2) enjoyed
    3) play
    4) go

  3. We will have an examination next week. It is necessary _____.
    1) study hard
    2) to study hard
    3) hard study
    4) to hard study

  4. They open the door at noon. Some people are already _____.
    1) in line to wait
    2) in line waiting
    3) line in waiting
    4) waiting in line

  5. The audience cheered after the curtain went down. The performance _____.
    1) succeed
    2) successful
    3) was success
    4) was a success

  6. "When you visited Jack, did you find his house easily?"
    "No, I had _____ finding it."
    1) quite time
    2) a quite time
    3) a time quite
    4) quite a time

  7. Guess who I _____ yesterday. I saw Mr. White at the bank.
    1) into run
    2) into ran
    3) ran into
    4) run into

  8. The next train will arrive _____.
    1) three o'clock
    2) at three o'clock
    3) on three o'clock
    4) in three o'clock

  9. "Many of your students were studying hard in the library."
    "They are _____ have an examination today."
    1) supposed
    2) supposing
    3) supposed to
    4) supposing to

  10. "Why are you walking so fast?"
    "I have _____ with my doctor."
    1) an appointment
    2) a pledge
    3) a promise
    4) a contract

  11. "Let's _____ a movie tomorrow."
    "Yes, let's."
    1) take in
    2) take into
    3) take to
    4) taking

  12. I will stay in the Atlantic Hotel in New York. Why don't you _____?
    1) visits
    2) visit in
    3) drop in
    4) call in

  13. We will serve dinner to our guests soon. We had better ____ now.
    1) have table set
    2) set table
    3) setting table
    4) set the table

  14. "I don't think Tom did it intentionally."
    "Yes, I think he did it _____."
    1) at purpose
    2) for purpose
    3) in purpose
    4) on purpose

  15. How are you _____ these days? I hope you are doing well.
    1) get along
    2) get to along
    3) getting along
    4) to getting along

  16. Mr. and Mrs. White are in town now. Are you going to _____ with them?
    1) get in touch
    2) getting in touch
    3) to getting in touch
    4) have touch

  17. Some athletes have already shown up. They are going to _____ the Olympic Games.
    1) part take in
    2) take part in
    3) take part with
    4) taking in part

  18. Since the storm came _____, it did a lot of damage in the village.
    1) surprisingly
    2) rapid
    3) in hurry
    4) suddenly

  19. I will come home late. Please don't _____ me.
    1) wait up on
    2) wait up for
    3) waiting up for
    4) be wait up for

  20. "Mr. and Mrs. White will go to Colorado for a vacation."
    "Who will _____ their pets?"
    1) look after
    2) be look after
    3) to look after
    4) for looking after

  21. The students are going to perform a play, but some of them cannot remember their lines. The teacher makes them _____.
    1) learn them heartily
    2) heartily learn them
    3) learn them by heart
    4) learning by heart them

  22. "Do you have an exam or just a paper in science class?"
    "We have an exam _____."
    1) every so often
    2) every often so
    3) very so often
    4) very often so

  23. We have to make a decision soon. Please _____.
    1) your mind make up
    2) up and make your mind
    3) make up your mind
    4) make upon your mind

  24. "Are we allowed to take photos in this museum?"
    "No, it is _____."
    1) questionably
    2) out of question
    3) out of the question
    4) out for the question

  25. The manager is visiting the New York office now. His assistant is _____.
    1) charging
    2) on charge
    3) in charge
    4) for charge

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao
