Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

Sturucture (10)

Directions: The questions here test your knowledge of the grammatical structure of English. Each question consists of a short written conversation, part of which has been omitted. Four words or phrases, labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation. You are to choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation. Click the answer button to see the correct answer. If you need a hint, press the arrow button next to the hint.

Look at the example.

"Why do you always want to use _____ pens?"

1) to one
2) of my
3) that my
4) one of my

We would say: "Why do you always want to use one of my pens?" Therefore you should press "4."

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. Even as a joke, don't aim the gun _____ anybody.
    1) at
    2) to
    3) into
    4) off

  2. Was my roommate polite _____ you?
    1) at
    2) from
    3) to
    4) with

  3. If the first and second plans are carried _____ now, we will be able to solve that problem.
    1) out
    2) up
    3) upon
    4) through

  4. Tom's team didn't lose the last game, _____?
    1) didn't they
    2) did it
    3) did they
    4) didn't it

  5. It _____ the day before yesterday.
    1) snowed
    2) was snow
    3) has snowed
    4) was snowed

  6. Have you ever _____ on a horse? We are planning to go horseback riding this afternoon.
    1) rode
    2) rid
    3) to ride
    4) ridden

  7. He is learning French _____ Mr. Bodart.
    1) through
    2) by
    3) to
    4) from

  8. In the United States, a teacher may sit on a desk, but the students are supposed to sit _____ their desks.
    1) at
    2) beside
    3) to
    4) beneath

  9. "Where is the drug store?"
    "It's _____ your left."
    1) in
    2) on
    3) at
    4) by

  10. Tom is very short tempered, and he _____.
    1) always gets angry
    2) gets always angry
    3) always angry gets
    4) angry always gets

  11. "How many post cards did you need?"
    "_____ than I had expected."
    1) Less
    2) Lesser
    3) Few
    4) Fewer

  12. It's not easy. However, please make him _____ it.
    1) do
    2) to do
    3) doing
    4) have to do

  13. I would like to apply _____ the position of a sales clerk you advertised in the newspaper.
    1) for
    2) to
    3) with
    4) in

  14. It's difficult for a small child _____ clothes.
    1) wearing
    2) to wear
    3) putting on
    4) to put on

  15. This knife is very sharp. We use it _____.
    1) for to cut the bread
    2) to cut with the bread
    3) cutting with the bread
    4) to cut the bread

  16. I could have bought it for you if you _____.
    1) ask to me to
    2) asked me to
    3) had asked me
    4) had asked me to

  17. Jim _____.
    1) likes football best
    2) likes best football
    3) best likes football
    4) likes play football best

  18. My mother went _____ yesterday.
    1) to shopping
    2) shopping
    3) to shop
    4) shopped

  19. Jack is _____ comics.
    1) interested
    2) interesting
    3) interested in
    4) interest in

  20. Tom loved Linda better than Bill _____.
    1) did
    2) do
    3) has done
    4) done

  21. _____ Nancy's tapes are jazz.
    1) Almost
    2) Almost all
    3) Most
    4) Most of all

  22. _____ are you speaking? I don't understand.
    1) Who
    2) Whom
    3) Of who
    4) Of whom

  23. _____ will be invited to join us for tea.
    1) Whoever will come
    2) Whoever come
    3) Whoever comes
    4) Whoever would come

  24. _____ Tom hates to do it, he has to.
    1) Much as
    2) As much
    3) So much as
    4) So much

  25. I'll give you five minutes _____.
    1) making your mind up
    2) making up your mind
    3) make up your mind
    4) to make up your mind

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao
