Grammar Review No. 6

These are review exercises of English grammar. Read the questions carefully, and choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence. Work as fast as you can.

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. "Bill is sick and can't go to Tokyo."
    "_____ instead then."
    1. Has Tom gone
    2. Have Tom go
    3. Have Tom gone
    4. Has Tom go

  2. "Can I help you with your luggage?"
    "Oh, no thanks. I'll _____ my son to do it."
    1. let
    2. make
    3. have
    4. get

  3. "Where is my chair?"
    "I had Tony _____ it to your study."
    1. take
    2. to take
    3. taking
    4. taken

  4. "This room looks nice."
    "Thanks. I had it _____."
    1. paint
    2. painting
    3. painted
    4. was painted

  5. Is it possible _____ you at your office at two?
    1. for seeing
    2. to see
    3. to be seeing
    4. for see

  6. "I'm looking forward to hearing from Jan. Do you know _____?"
    "Usually it comes by 4:00."
    1. when the mail will arrive
    2. when does the mail arrive
    3. when the mail does arrive
    4. when will the mail arrive 1
  7. "Could you help me for a while?"
    "Sure. Tell me what _____ for you."
    1. can I do
    2. I can do
    3. can do I
    4. I do can

  8. Because of the rain, many people have called to ask _____ canceled.
    1. that the parade was
    2. whether the parade was
    3. if or not the parade was
    4. that the parade would be

  9. Scientists are trying to find out _____ there is life on other planets.
    1. if or not
    2. whether not
    3. whether
    4. whether if

  10. "Look at the new car I bought."
    "How _____ such an expensive car?"
    1. you afforded
    2. afforded you
    3. could afford you
    4. could you afford

  11. "Why don't you call the company back and ask for that information?"
    "I don't know _____."
    1. who I should speak
    2. who should I speak with
    3. with whom I should speak
    4. whom should I speak with

  12. "The train strike finally started."
    "Why _____ something to prevent it?"
    1. did the government
    2. the government didn't do
    3. the government did
    4. didn't the government do

  13. "Why doesn't John wear a coat?"
    "I don't know _____."
    1. why he does
    2. why does he
    3. why doesn't he
    4. why he doesn't

  14. "Did you enjoy Ms. White's class?"
    "No, I didn't understand _____ during the lecture."
    1. what she was talking
    2. that she was talking about
    3. what she was talking about
    4. what was she talking about

  15. "Do you know Janet Wilson?"
    "I remember the name, but I can't recall _____."
    l. what does she look like
    2. what she looks like
    3. what she does look like
    4. like what she looks like

  16. Many American universities _____ by private donations.
    1. supported
    2. support
    3. are supported
    4. which are supported

  17. _____, many people learn to use computer software.
    1. From the instruction manuals
    2. It is the instruction manuals
    3. There are the instruction manuals
    4. When having the instruction manuals

  18. _____ is the largest city in New York State, it is not the @ capital.
    1. New York City
    2. If New York City
    3. Although New York City
    4. New York City, which

  19. _____ black cats bring bad luck is considered a superstition and not a fact.
    1. What
    2. If
    3. That
    4. It is that

  20. _____ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.
    1. Founded
    2. Founding
    3. Being founded
    4. It was founded

  21. A tornado touched down today in Kansas, _____ destruction to wheat fields and some houses.
    1. caused
    2. that caused
    3. it caused
    4. causing

  22. Some writers can accurately describe objects _____ have never seen.
    1. that
    2. that they
    3. how they
    4. what they

  23. Colonists _____ in isolated areas of Northern America were almost totally self-sufficient.
    1. living
    2. lived
    3. who living
    4. who that lived

  24. The Civil War _____ in 1861 and lasted for four years.
    1. begin
    2. began
    3. beginning
    4. which began

  25. _____ of leather, this briefcase is heavy and expensive.
    1. They are made
    2. They make them
    3. Made
    4. What are made

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao