Grammar Review No. 4

These are review exercises of English grammar. Read the questions carefully, and choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence. Work as fast as you can.

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. Martin Luther King was _____ committed to guaranteeing the rights of blacks.
    1) deep
    2) deeply
    3) hard
    4) hardly

  2. Many advertisements claim that now contact lenses made of soft plastic are _____, comfortable, and easy to use.
    1) safe
    2) safety
    3) safely
    4) unsafe

  3. "Ansel Adams was really a great photographer."
    "Yes, I think he was the most _____ nature photographer the US has ever produced."
    1) skill
    2) skillfully
    3) skillful
    4) skilling

  4. I am thirsty. May I have something _____ to drink?
    1) cold
    2) coldness
    3) coldest
    4) coldly

  5. You can stay here _____ you like.
    1) as long as
    2) as much as
    3) as far as
    4) so far as

  6. High taxes placed on _____ goods by the British sparked the American Revolution.
    1) imported
    2) importation
    3) import
    4) importationed

  7. Baseball gloves made for _____ use are costly because of their fine workmanship.
    1) profession
    2) professionally
    3) professional
    4) professioned

  8. That _____ film deals with workers in China.
    1) document
    2) documentary
    3) documental
    4) documentally

  9. The US Constitution guarantees _____ under the law.
    1) equalness
    2) equally
    3) equal
    4) equality

  10. The weather for tomorrow will be chilly, clear, and _____.
    1) wind
    2) windily
    3) hard wind
    4) windy

  11. It is important for children to feel acceptance, _____ and love from their parents.
    1) security
    2) securely
    3) secure
    4) securitiness

  12. Hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico have caused considerable _____ to coastal cities in Texas.
    1) damages
    2) many damages
    3) damage
    4) much damage

  13. Employers look for _____ when interviewing perspective employees.
    1) dependability
    2) dependableness
    3) dependence
    4) dependable

  14. Managers agree that they are interested in potential workers who are responsible, hardworking and _____.
    1) confident
    2) confidently
    3) confidence
    4) confidentless

  15. George Washington has been described as _____, persistent, and outspoken.
    1) courage
    2) courageously
    3) courageous
    4) courageousness

  16. "Do you think that your daughter will take the job she was offered?"
    "I don't know. She seemed _____ in it, but..."
    1) interest
    2) interesting
    3) interested
    4) interestingly

  17. "I was _____ that Mary couldn't come to the party with us last night."
    "Her boss made her work overtime."
    1) disappoint
    2) disappointed
    3) disappointing
    4) disappointedly

  18. "What a terrible baseball game!"
    "I thought it was _____."
    1) delight
    2) delighting
    3) delightful
    4) delighted

  19. "How _____ we are to hear that you received a prize."
    "Thank you. It was really a surprise."
    1) please
    2) pleasing
    3) pleasingly
    4) pleased

  20. "Professor Miller's class is the worst that I have ever taken."
    "Yes, I think it's _____."
    1) boring
    2) boringly
    3) bored
    4) boredly

  21. "This handmade furniture is beautiful."
    "It's _____ to see such quality."
    1) pleasing
    2) please
    3) pleased
    4) pleasantly

  22. "You look nervous."
    "This thunder makes me _____."
    1) scare
    2) scaring
    3) scary
    4) scared

  23. There are _____ statistics about the traffic accidents.
    1) frighten
    2) frightening
    3) frightened
    4) fright

  24. Charlie Chaplin was well known for the _____ characters he portrayed.
    1) amuse
    2) amused
    3) amusing
    4) amusingly

  25. Michael Jackson is described as an _____ young singer.
    1) excite
    2) exciting
    3) excited
    4) excitingly

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao