Grammar Questions (2)

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  1. Those two pictures hanging on the gallery wall _____ in France, and they are very well known.
    1) were painted
    2) were paint
    3) painted
    4) were painting
  2. Since I did not feel good, I wanted very much _____ the doctor, but it was not possible.
    1) to see
    2) to be seen
    3) seeing
    4) being seen
  3. The former newspaper boy _____ to a new neighborhood to work.
    1) has sent
    2) was send
    3) was sent
    4) sent
  4. Nancy's dress is really beautiful. I hear that it _____ especially for her by a French designer.
    1) made
    2) has made
    3) is made
    4) was made
  5. This soup is very hot, but I always think the _____ better.
    1) hotter the
    2) hottest
    3) hotter
    4) hot the
  6. Do you know that ice cream has about _____ calories as three glasses of milk?
    1) so many
    2) so much
    3) as many
    4) as much
  7. "Have you ever played majong?" "Yes, as a matter of fact, we _____ all the time when I worked in Tokyo."
    1) would have played
    2) should have played
    3) used to play
    4) must have play
  8. I'm planning to go fishing this weekend, but I have so much work to do that I _____ stay home.
    1) may have
    2) will
    3) should
    4) can
  9. "Do you like to play ping-pong?" "I _____, but now I prefer tennis, because it is better exercise."
    1) used to do
    2) used to playing
    3) used playing
    4) used to
  10. "Which do you prefer--the blue dress or the red dress?" "The blue dress is _____."
    1) definitely better
    2) better definitely
    3) definite better
    4) better definite
  11. "Were you pleased with Mary's typing?" "Yes, the job was _____."
    1) surprising good
    2) surprisingly good
    3) surprising well
    4) surprisingly well
  12. "What a nice fireplace you have." "I like my house really _____ during the winter."
    1) warmly and comfortably
    2) warmly and comfortable
    3) warm and comfortably
    4) warm and comfortable
  13. Many advertisements claim that new contact lenses made of soft plastic are _____, and easy to use.
    1) safe, comfortable
    2) safety, comfort
    3) safely, comfortably
    4) unsafe, comfortably
  14. That _____ film entitled "Workers" deals with workers in China.
    1) document
    2) documentary
    3) documented
    4) documenting
  15. The US Constitution guarantees all American citizens _____ under the law.
    1) equalness
    2) equally
    3) equal
    4) equality
  16. _____ students enrolled this year than last year at New York University.
    1) Less than
    2) Less of the
    3) A few of
    4) A few more
  17. I can't eat out tonight, because I have _____ to do.
    1) too many homeworks
    2) much too much homework
    3) too much homeworks
    4) much too many homeworks
  18. I imagine that there is _____ of money left to share.
    1) a small number
    2) a little number
    3) a small amount
    4) a few amount
  19. Did you say that you _____ there only three days ago?
    1) went
    2) had being
    3) have been
    4) had went
  20. "Are we about to have dinner, Mom?" "Yes, it _____ in the dining room."
    1) serves
    2) is serving
    3) is being served
    4) was served
  21. _____ that medical insurance is extremely high.
    1) It feels
    2) We are felt
    3) We feel that it is
    4) It is felt
  22. "How tall is Jack?" "He's about _____ as I am."
    1) as same height
    2) as higher
    3) the same height
    4) so tall
  23. "I couldn't go to class yesterday, because my car broke down." "You _____ mine. I wasn't using it."
    1) could borrow
    2) may borrow
    3) could have borrowed
    4) may have borrowed
  24. "Did you go to the shopping mall to see a movie last night?" "Yes, but I _____ home, because I had a little fever."
    1) would rather stay
    2) would rather stayed
    3) would stay
    4) would rather have stayed
  25. Rhonda _____ to finish her homework tomorrow morning because the deadline is tomorrow noon.
    1) have
    2) must
    3) need
    4) is going

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao